A CLI for generating React Components
the CLI requires (As of version 1.0.0) Node 7.6 as the CLI utilizes async/await
npm install -g react-mogen
Initialize and generate the .mogenrc config by calling the --init
mogen --init
// which produces an .mogenrc like this
"path": "src/components/",
"es6": true,
"css": "scss",
"extensions": "js",
"test": true
the config file can also be created manually by, in your root, create the file named .mogenrc
with the following JSON
"path": <string, path to your components folder>,
"es6": <boolean, use es6 styled code or not>,
"css": <string, css engine>,
"extensions": <string, javascript extension>,
"test": <boolean, wheter or not a test file should get generated>
mogen --help
mogen <component name>
mogen LoginComponent
You can also create multiple components at the same time like this
mogen User Avatar
That line will create two components, one named User and one named Avatar
mogen TextInput --stateless
mogen Dropdown --notests
The complete output of each command will look like this: