Local Vault setup, whose data is stored on Consul, with a demo showing how to manage secrets from an AWS back-end server.
It's based on Michael Herman's article which can be found here.
Create images running:
docker-compose up -d
Since Vault looks based on alpine
images, we can't bash
on its container. So you need to use sh
docker exec -it CONTAINER sh
Once you're connected to its container, you need to init Vault:
vault operator init
You can access Vault by the UI or inside its container, via CLI.
You can enable audit by running:
vault audit enable file file_path=/path/to/store/logs
You can create policies to manage access control on Vault. There's a JSON file on the vault/policies
directory with a
policy example. You can enable it by running:
vault policy write app ./vault/policies/app-policy.json
vault token create -policy=app
It's possible to use Transit, what Hashicorp calls "Encryption as a Service", running:
vault secrets enable transit
Then you can:
- Create a named encryption key
vault write -f transit/keys/foo
- Encrypt data
vault write transit/encrypt/foo plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my precious")
- Decrypt data (you need to decode the resulting data)
vault write transit/decrypt/foo ciphertext=vault:v1:/Tun95IT+dVTvDfYiCHdI5rGPSAxgvPcFaDDtneRorQCyBOg (Decrypt)
base64 -d <<< "bXkgcHJlY2lvdXMK" (Decode)
You can enable AWS back-end secrets by running:
vault secrets enable -path=aws aws
Then you need to authenticate:
vault write aws/config/root access_key=foo secret_key=bar
To create a role:
vault write aws/roles/ec2-read arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess
To create a new credential group, which can be seen in the "Users" section of the IAM Console:
vault read aws/creds/ec2-read
To change the lease interval to 30 minutes, for example. Read more here.
vault write aws/config/lease lease=1800s lease_max=1800s
To revoke a credential:
vault lease revoke aws/creds/modify/{lease_id} (lease_id é obtido ao rodar o comando "vault read aws/creds/foo")
To revoke all AWS credentials:
vault revoke -prefix aws/
in the docker-compose YML file is an example of another Consul server configured on this architecture.