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NSA (National Statsd Agency)

Listen to Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications and deliver to a Statsd backend. This gem also supports writing your own custom collectors.

Gem Version Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "nsa"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nsa


NSA comes packaged with collectors for ActionController, ActiveRecord, ActiveSupport Caching, and Sidekiq.

To use this gem, simply get a reference to a statsd backend, then indicate which collectors you'd like to run. Each collect method specifies a Collector to use and the additional key namespace.

application_name = ::Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore
application_env = ENV["PLATFORM_ENV"] || ::Rails.env
statsd.namespace = [ application_name, application_env ].join(".")

::NSA.inform_statsd(statsd) do |informant|
  # Load :action_controller collector with a key prefix of :web
  informant.collect(:action_controller, :web)
  informant.collect(:active_record, :db)
  informant.collect(:cache, :cache)
  informant.collect(:sidekiq, :sidekiq)

Built-in Collectors


Listens to: process_action.action_controller

Metrics recorded:

  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.{controller}.{action}.{format}.total_duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.{controller}.{action}.{format}.db_time
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.{controller}.{action}.{format}.view_time
  • Increment: {ns}.{prefix}.{controller}.{action}.{format}.status.{status_code}


Listens to: sql.active_record

Metrics recorded:

  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.tables.{table_name}.queries.delete.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.tables.{table_name}.queries.insert.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.tables.{table_name}
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.tables.{table_name}.queries.update.duration


Listens to: cache_*.active_suppport

Metrics recorded:

  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.delete.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.exist?.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.fetch_hit.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.generate.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.read_hit.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.read_miss.duration
  • Timing: {ns}.{prefix}.read_miss.duration


Listens to: Sidekiq middleware, run before each job that is processed

Metrics recorded:

  • Time: {ns}.{prefix}.{WorkerName}.processing_time
  • Increment: {ns}.{prefix}.{WorkerName}.success
  • Increment: {ns}.{prefix}.{WorkerName}.failure
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.queues.{queue_name}.enqueued
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.queues.{queue_name}.latency
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.dead_size
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.enqueued
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.failed
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.processed
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.processes_size
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.retry_size
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.scheduled_size
  • Gauge: {ns}.{prefix}.workers_size

Writing your own collector

Writing your own collector is very simple. To take advantage of the keyspace handling you must:

  1. Create an object/module which responds to collect, taking the key_prefix as its only argument.
  2. Include or extend your class/module with NSA::Statsd::Publisher or NSA::Statsd::Publisher.
  3. Call any of the statsd_* prefixed methods provided by the included Publisher:

Publisher methods:

  • statsd_count(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
  • statsd_decrement(key, sample_rate = nil)
  • statsd_gauge(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
  • statsd_increment(key, sample_rate = nil)
  • statsd_set(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)
  • statsd_time(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
  • statsd_timing(key, value = 1, sample_rate = nil)

AsyncPublisher methods:

  • async_statsd_count(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
  • async_statsd_gauge(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
  • async_statsd_set(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
  • async_statsd_time(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)
  • async_statsd_timing(key, sample_rate = nil, &block)

Note: When using the AsyncPublisher, the value is derived from the block. This is useful when the value is not near at hand and has a relatively high cost to compute (e.g. db query) and you don't want your current thread to wait.

For example, first define your collector. Our (very naive) example will write a gauge metric every 10 seconds of the User count in the db.

# Publishing User.count gauge using a collector
module UsersCollector
  extend ::NSA::Statsd::Publisher

  def self.collect(key_prefix)
    loop do
      statsd_gauge("count", ::User.count)
      sleep 10 # don't do this, obvi

Then let the informant know about it in some initializer:

# file: config/initializers/statsd.rb

# $statsd =
NSA.inform_statsd($statsd) do |informant|
  # ...
  informant.collect(UserCollector, :users)

You could also implement the provided example not as a Collector, but using AsyncPublisher directly in your ActiveRecord model:

# Publishing User.count gauge using AsyncPublisher methods
class User <  ActiveRecord::Base
  include NSA::Statsd::AsyncPublisher

  after_commit :write_count_gauge, :on => [ :create, :destroy ]

  # ...


  def write_count_gauge
    async_statsd_gauge("models.User.all.count") { ::User.count }


Using this technique, publishing the User.count stat gauge will not hold up the thread responsible for creating the record (and processing more callbacks).


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Publish Rails application metrics to statsd.






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