The following extension methods are contained within this class:
- Left - A port of the VB.Net function to C# using Substring.
- Right - A port of the VB.Net function to C# using Substring.
- ToTrimmedString - Takes any object, runs ToString and at the same time trims the string.
- AddWhitespaceLeft - Creates a new string with the specified number of spaces to the left.
- AddWhitespaceRight - Creates a new string with the specified number of spaces to the right.
The following are some type conversions that converts to the specified type if possible:
- ToByte
- ToSByte
- ToInt
- ToUInt
- ToShort
- ToUShort
- ToLong
- ToULong
- ToFloat
- ToDouble
- ToDecimal
- ToBool
- ToChar
- ToDateTime
- ToCsv - Outputs the object as a CSV string converting all simple types to string.
- ToExcel - Outputs an IEnumerable of type T, DataTable or DataSet as an Excel file, using the NetOffice library, by using the public properties and public fields which have been found to be simple types and then writing them into an Excel sheet.
- ExcelOutputItem - An item that encapsulates the properties required to create an Excel spreadsheet.
- ExcelOutputCollection - A collection of ExcelOutputItems which, when exported, creates an Excel spreadsheet with a worksheet for each ExcelOutputItem.
byte sbyte int uint short ushort long ulong float double decimal bool char DateTime byte? sbyte? int? uint? short? ushort? long? ulong? float? double? decimal? bool? char? DateTime? string System.Enum