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Back porting Alloy to Liferay Portal

Jonathan Mak edited this page Apr 18, 2014 · 10 revisions

Alloy Backporting Process


This document explains how to backport Alloy UI releases into liferay-portal and liferay-portal-ee repos.

Liferay Portal have liferay-portal and liferay-portal-ee repositories that are using releases of the Alloy repository alloy-ui.

Alloy versions to Liferay compatibility table

Alloy Version Liferay Version
alloy-ui/master-deprecated liferay-portal/master
alloy-ui/2.0.x liferay-portal/6.2.x
alloy-ui/2.0.x liferay-portal-ee/ee-6.2.x
alloy-ui/1.5.x liferay-portal/6.1.x
alloy-ui/1.5.x liferay-portal-ee/ee-6.1.x
alloy-ui/1.0.x liferay-portal-ee/ee-6.0.x

Backporting alloy-ui into liferay-portal

  • We only backport alloy-ui commits that are required, not everything on master.

Alloy 2.0.x and above

Syncing alloy-ui/2.0.x branch
  • Access alloy-ui repository:

      cd alloy-ui
  • Create a new branch or rebase with upstream/2.0.x:

      git fetch upstream 2.0.x:2.0.x
      git checkout 2.0.x
      git pull --rebase upstream 2.0.x
      git merge 2.0.x
  • Cherry pick desired alloy-ui commits. (Note: Replace 1d20fc8 with the desired commit hash id):

      git cherry-pick 1d20fc8
  • Test alloy-ui for changes:

      grunt build
  • Tag this commit in git. (Note: Replace 2.0.1-deprecated with the new tag):

      git tag 2.0.1-deprecated
  • Push changes to your origin and upstream:

      git push origin 2.0.x
      git push origin --tags 2.0.x
      git push upstream 2.0.x ( If you have permissions. If not, please send a pull request to  `jonmak08` or `eduardolundgren`)
      git push upstream --tags 2.0.x
  • Release a new to be copied to the third-party folder on liferay:

      gr release

Updating Alloy on liferay-portal-ee/ee-6.2.x branch

  • Access liferay-portal repository:

      cd liferay-portal
  • Rebase or create a new branch based on upstream/6.2.x and copy the released alloy-2.0.x zip to the third-party folder in liferay-portal:

      git fetch upstream ee-6.2.x:ee-6.2.x
      git checkout ee-6.2.x
      git pull --rebase upstream ee-6.2.x
      git push origin ee-6.2.x
      git checkout -b LPS-XXX-update-alloy
      cp alloy-ui/ portal-web/third-party
  • Test if Alloy is working fine on Liferay.

  • Commit the new zip file. (Note: Replace 1d20fc8 with the latest commit hash id by running git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD on the alloy-ui repository):

      git add portal-web/third-party/
      git commit -a -m "LPS-XXX - Updating Alloy 2.0.x to 1d20fc8"
  • Submit the pull request to jonmak08 or eduardolundgren under ee-6.2.x branch:

      gitpr submit --reviewer=jonmak08 -b ee-6.2.x

Alloy 1.5.x and below

Syncing alloy-ui/1.5.x branch

  • Access alloy-ui repository:

      cd alloy-ui
  • Create a new branch or rebase with upstream/1.5.x:

      git fetch upstream 1.5.x:1.5.x
      git checkout 1.5.x
      git pull --rebase upstream 1.5.x
      git merge 1.5.x
  • Cherry pick desired alloy-ui commits. (Note: Replace 1d20fc8 with the desired commit hash id):

      git cherry-pick 1d20fc8
  • Test alloy-ui for changes. (Note: Replace aui-module with the modified module name):

      cd src/aui-module
      ant all
  • Tag this commit in git. (Note: Replace 1.5.1 with the new tag):

      git tag 1.5.1
  • Push changes to your origin and upstream:

      git push origin 1.5.x
      git push origin --tags 1.5.x
      git push upstream 1.5.x ( If you have permissions. If not, please send a pull request to  `jonmak08` or `eduardolundgren`)
      git push upstream --tags 1.5.x
  • Release a new to be copied to the third-party folder on liferay:

      ant release

Updating Alloy on liferay-portal-ee/ee-6.1.x branch

  • Access liferay-portal repository:

      cd liferay-portal
  • Rebase or create a new branch based on upstream/ee-6.1.x and copy the released alloy 1.5.x to the third-party folder in liferay-portal:

      git fetch upstream ee-6.1.x:ee-6.1.x
      git checkout ee-6.1.x
      git pull --rebase upstream ee-6.1.x
      git push origin ee-6.1.x 
      git checkout -b LPS-XXX-update-alloy
      cp alloy-ui/ portal-web/third-party
  • Test if Alloy is working fine on Liferay.

  • Commit the new zip file. (Note: Replace 1d20fc8 with the latest commit hash id by running git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD on the alloy-ui repository):

      git add portal-web/third-party/
      git commit -a -m "LPS-XXX - Updating Alloy to 1d20fc8"
  • Submit the pull request to jonmak08 or eduardolundgren under ee-6.1.x branch:

      gitpr submit --reviewer=jonmak08 -b ee-6.1.x