Write code with the Processing language to visualize musical data
To make it work you just:
- Download the code into your Processing sketchbook (generally it's a folder called 'sketchbook' inside your user files)
- Install the oscP5 library
- Open Processing and select the
sketch - Send OSC data and visualize it
Currently there are two messages that can be visualized:
/noteOn iii
Denotes a musical note being played.
Pitch (integer)
Velocity (integer)
Channel (integer)
/pitchBend iii
Denotes the pitch shifting of previous note
Initial value (integer)
Final value (integer)
Channel (integer)
The events are fed into the visualizer via OSC, but we all love some MIDI messages. To use them instead, you can in some way translate the MIDI messages you'll be sending with a sequencer to the OSC message format.
I've included a Chuck script called midi_osc.ck
that makes this conversion for you. You can run it with:
chuck midi_osc.ck
It'll convert 'noteOn' and 'pitchBend' messages to the correct OSC format and output on port 12000.
The class OscReceiver
is where things happen. You can extend it and implement the methods 'noteOn' and 'pitchBend' and then draw something inside them or just collect data and later draw it with the 'draw' method.
The class 'OscParticle' demonstrates that, by creating different particles with the method 'noteOn'. Their color and behavior is determined by the channel and pitch data of the notes.
- The Fuzziest Pickles
- Ownlife (soon)