The tool translates mapping rules from YARRRML in a turtle-based serialization of RML or R2RML. The translation is based on the RML and YARRRML specifications.
We are working on including the following features which are not yet implemented:
- Functions using the FnO Ontology
pip install yarrrml-translator
To execute from command line run the following:
python3 -m yarrrml_translator -i path_to_input_yarrrml.yml -o path_to_output.ttl [-f R2RML]
-f R2RML
is an optional parameter for translating input YARRRML into R2RML
If you want to include the module in your implementation:
- for translating RML mappings:
import yarrrml_translator
import yaml
rml_content = yarrrml_translator.translate(yaml.safe_load(open("path-to-yarrrml")))
- for translating R2RML mappings:
import yarrrml_translator
import yaml
R2RML_URI = ''
rml_content = yarrrml_translator.translate(yaml.safe_load(open("path-to-yarrrml")), mapping_format=R2RML_URI)
Ontology Engineering Group - Data Integration:
- David Chaves-Fraga
- Luis López Piñero (Final bachelor thesis - v0.1)