To download the repository:
git clone
Then you need to install the basic dependencies to run the project on your system:
cd hardest-pygame-ever
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project was made to the discipline MO416 - Introduction of Artificial Intelligence
This work aims to apply an evolutionary computing technique to a literature problem chosen by the group. The work consists of finding an adequate solution to the chosen problem, evaluating it according to different parameters. You must clearly define:
- The problem addressed
- The evolutionary model adopted
- Implementation specifics and restrictions
- Variations on parameters
- Fitness function adopted
The solution video can be found at:
The figs directory contains the images that are displayed in the main notebook.
The src directory contains the implementation of the World Hardest Pygame.
The genetic_algorithm directory contains the implementation of the Genetic Algotirhm.
The pacman is the Jupyter Notebook used for evaluating the search algorithms, all data collected was then compiled in the results file.
The whg is the Jupyter Notebook with the problem description, discussion and analysis over the genetic algorithm in the World Hardest Pygame solution.
The simulation is the Python file that executes the WHG with the Genetic Algorithms.
The results is the CSV file with the results obtained and discussed in the whg.
All of the members of the group,
- Caroline Aparecida de Paula Silva (265188)
- Gabriel Previato de Andrade (172388)
- Letícia Mara Berto (212069)
- Thales Mateus Rodrigues Oliveira (148051)
contributed with the development of the game engine and the genetic algorithm modeling and implementation.