A simple script to analyze and display ping statistics from one or more ping transcripts. Examplary PowerShell and Linux ping transcripts included.
$ python3 .\ping-analysis.py -h
usage: ping-analysis.py [-h] [-p {single,multi,both}] [-o OUT [OUT ...]] [--ma-window MA_WINDOW] file [file ...]
positional arguments:
file one or more files to be read
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p {single,multi,both}, --plot {single,multi,both}
plot type: (single|multi|both); default = single
-o OUT [OUT ...], --out OUT [OUT ...]
save plot to file; enter two paths when using "-p both"
--ma-window MA_WINDOW
moving-average window in seconds; default = 20
Start-Transcript -path .\ping-log.txt -Append; ping -t <host> | % {"{0} - {1}" -f (Get-Date),$_}
- add
-S <ip>
to use a specific interface in windows - Stop the transcript with
or close the powershell window
ping <host> | while read res; do echo "$(date +"%d.%m.%Y %T") - $res"; done >> ping-log.txt
Comparing a powerline ehternet adapter to wifi - powerline seems to be working surprisingly well
python3 .\ping-analysis.py .\example\ping-eth0.txt .\example\ping-wlan0.txt -p both -o .\example\single.png .\example\multi.png