Implementation of a fully customizeable prove scheduler.
ProveScheduler(self, *, threads, schedulerProcessClass, batch, overallTimeout, problemTimeout=None, withCASCStdout=True)
- threads: number of concurrent threads(and external processes) to use
- batch: batch environment containing:
- batch.definiton.problems: problems to prove by the Scheduler in this batch
- file = batch.createTempfile(name) to create a temp file
- ..
- schedulerProcessClass: use you class implementing SchedulerProcess. If you are using Leo-III you may use 'Leo3SchedulerProcess'
Get the complex status of the Scheduler as human readable string.
Get all problem variants which are enqueued.
Get all problem variants which are enqueued.
Get all problem variants where proves are currently running.
ProveScheduler.prove(self, problemVariant, *, timeout)
Enqueus a problemVariant to prove.
ProveScheduler.terminate(self, problemVariant)
Terminate the prove of the 'problemVariant'.
ProveScheduler.terminateProblemVariants(self, problem)
Terminate the prove of all problemVariant of 'problem'.
ProveScheduler.getProblemTimeUsed(self, problem)
- The time the problem has used for running overall.
ProveScheduler.getProblemTimeLeft(self, problem)
- The time the problem has left for running.
ProveScheduler.onSuccess(self, problemVariant, overallTimeleft, problemTimeleft)
Called if a proverall is terminated with a success-szs-status.
- problemVariant: terminated problem variant
- overallTimeleft time left to prove the batch
- problemTimeleft time left to prove the problem
Needs to be overwritten.
ProveScheduler.onNoSuccess(self, problemVariant, overallTimeleft, problemTimeleft)
Called if a prove call is terminated with a nosuccess-szs-status.
- problemVariant: terminated problem variant
- overallTimeleft time left to prove the batch
- problemTimeleft time left to prove the problem
Needs to be overwritten.
ProveScheduler.onTimeout(self, problemVariant, overallTimeleft, problemTimeleft)
Called if a prove call is either:
- terminated with the szs-status 'Timeout', then:
- problemVariant.schedulerStatus == 'ProcessTimeout'
- the process run into a timeout is was killed by python, then:
- problemVariant.schedulerStatus == 'Completed'
- problemVariant: terminated problem variant
- overallTimeleft time left to prove the batch
- problemTimeleft time left to prove the problem
Needs to be overwritten.
ProveScheduler.onUserForced(self, problemVariant, overallTimeleft, problemTimeleft)
Called if a prove call is terminated by the scheduler, using one of
- terminate(problemVariant)
- terminateProblemVariants(problem)
- problemVariant: terminated problem variant
- overallTimeleft time left to prove the batch
- problemTimeleft time left to prove the problem
Needs to be overwritten.
ProveScheduler.onStart(self, problemVariant, overallTimeleft, problemTimeleft)
Called if a prove call is started by the scheduler.
- problemVariant: terminated problem variant
- overallTimeleft time left to prove the batch
- problemTimeleft time left to prove the problem
Needs to be overwritten.
Leo3SchedulerProcess(self, problemVariant, problemFile, *, timeout, withCASCStdout)
If you are using the Leo-III theorem prover using the default shell command 'leo3' use this implementation. Otherwise use a custom implementation of 'ProveSchedulerProcess'
ProveSchedulerProcess(self, problemVariant, problemFile, *, timeout, withCASCStdout)
Process runned by the Scheduler to prove a problemVariant.
ProveSchedulerProcess.generateProverCall(self, problemFile, timeout)
Function returning the shell command to call the underlaying prover given a set of call parameter.
Needs to be overwritten s.t. an appropriate commandline call is provided.
- problemFile: the problem that should be used
- timeout: the timeout in seconds when the process should be finished, if exceeded, the process is killed
- the cmd command to run the prover on the given problem
- Using the Leo-III theorem prover Leo-III Usage. If the shell command 'leo3' calls Leo-III. You should implement the method with return
['leo3', problemFile, '-t', timeout]