Overall LTB definition.
- data: dictionary of overall data of the ltb
- batches: list of Batch instances
Act like a dictionary containing all config attributes. As special additional subparsers for specific config attributes.
Timeout is stored in 'limit.time.overall.wc' if 0 no timeout is set.
- The timeout as int in seconds
- if 'limit.time.overall.wc' is 0, None is returned
- if 'limit.time.overall.wc' is not defined, None is returned
Problem Timeout is stored in 'limit.time.problem.wc' if 0 no timeout is set.
- The timeout as int in seconds
- if 'limit.time.problem.wc' is 0, None is returned
- if 'limit.time.problem.wc' is not defined, None is returned
An LTB batch.
- config: the batch BatchConfig instance of the batch
- inclides: a list of include lines for all problems
- problem: the list of problems of the batch
Problem(self, filePattern, output)
LTB Problem
- filePattern: the pattern of problem files for this problem, usally something like 'Problems/HL400001*.p', * is a placeholder for the variant of the problem, @see ProblemVariant
- output: the name of the outfile for the problem
- variants: a dictionary of problem variantes for the problem. Keys are a variant identifiers like '^1', '^3', '1' Values are ProblemVariant instances
- successfulVariant: first found variant which proves the problem
Whether a prove for this problem was successful.
Output filename of the problem.
ProblemVariant(self, problem, *, variant)
LTB problem variant.
- problem: the problem the variant belongs to
- variant: the variant identifier
- szsStatus: the szsStatus of the problem variant
- stdout: the stdout of the prove attempt of the problem variant
- stderr: the stdout of the prove attempt of the problem variant
- process: the process which is/was used to prove the problem variant
The accual problem definition file. FilePattern 'Problems/HL400001*.p' with variant '^3' -> 'Problems/HL400001^3.p'
Output filename of the problem variant.
Output filename of the problem variant.
Whether a prove for this problem variant was successful.