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Lemtzas edited this page May 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

Rollem can draw cards and load custom decks from the local file system.

The standard deck is a fifty-four card deck (fifty-two with two jokers). (named fiftyfour) Also available is the deck fiftytwo.

static [required] <optional>


!deck <deck-name> draw<count> Draws a card from the top of the deck.

<Lemtzas> !deck draw
<Rollem> Lemtzas drew: ☻Joker Black. Deck down to 52 cards!
<Lemtzas> !deck draw5
<Rollem> Lemtzas drew: ♥10 of Hearts, ♠King of Spades, ♦King of Diamonds, ♣Jack of Clubs, ♥King of Hearts. Deck down to 47 cards!


!deck <deck-name> load <source-name>

<Lemtzas> !deck 52 load fiftytwo
<Rollem> Lemtzas, loaded deck '52' with 'fiftytwo'.
<Lemtzas> !deck 52 draw
<Rollem> Lemtzas drew: ♥4 of Hearts. Deck down to 51 cards!


!deck <deck-name> shuffle This replaces all the cards into the deck and shuffles it.

<Lemtzas> !deck shuffle
<Rollem> Lemtzas, deck 'default' has been shuffled! Now contains 54 cards!


!deck <deck-name> help Some decks come with instructions. This will PM the instruction block to you.

<Lemtzas> !deck sw_action help
<Rollem> Lemtzas, check PMs for 'sw_action' help.

In-channel help

!help deck can be used to get a help PM.

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