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avigad committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent bdf00f4 commit bbbb3fd
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Showing 5 changed files with 525 additions and 0 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/CSB.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import Mathlib.Tactic.Set
import Mathlib.Tactic.WLOG

open Set
open Function

From *Mathematics in Lean*.

noncomputable section
open Classical
variable {α β : Type*} [Nonempty β]
variable (f : α → β) (g : β → α)

def sbAux : ℕ → Set α
| 0 => univ \ g '' univ
| n + 1 => g '' (f '' sbAux n)

def sbSet :=
⋃ n, sbAux f g n

def sbFun (x : α) : β :=
if x ∈ sbSet f g then f x else invFun g x

theorem sb_right_inv {x : α} (hx : x ∉ sbSet f g) : g (invFun g x) = x := by
have : x ∈ g '' univ := by
contrapose! hx
rw [sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use 0
rw [sbAux, mem_diff]
exact ⟨mem_univ _, hx⟩
have : ∃ y, g y = x := by
simp at this
exact invFun_eq this

theorem sb_injective (hf : Injective f) : Injective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro x₁ x₂
intro (hxeq : h x₁ = h x₂)
show x₁ = x₂
simp only [h_def, sbFun, ← A_def] at hxeq
by_cases xA : x₁ ∈ A ∨ x₂ ∈ A
· wlog x₁A : x₁ ∈ A generalizing x₁ x₂ hxeq xA
· symm
apply this hxeq.symm xA.symm (xA.resolve_left x₁A)
have x₂A : x₂ ∈ A := by
intro (x₂nA : x₂ ∉ A)
rw [if_pos x₁A, if_neg x₂nA] at hxeq
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at x₁A
have x₂eq : x₂ = g (f x₁) := by
rw [hxeq, sb_right_inv f g x₂nA]
rcases x₁A with ⟨n, hn⟩
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
use n + 1
simp [sbAux]
exact ⟨x₁, hn, x₂eq.symm⟩
rw [if_pos x₁A, if_pos x₂A] at hxeq
exact hf hxeq
push_neg at xA
rw [if_neg xA.1, if_neg xA.2] at hxeq
rw [← sb_right_inv f g xA.1, hxeq, sb_right_inv f g xA.2]

theorem sb_surjective (hg : Injective g) : Surjective (sbFun f g) := by
set A := sbSet f g with A_def
set h := sbFun f g with h_def
intro y
by_cases gyA : g y ∈ A
· rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion] at gyA
rcases gyA with ⟨n, hn⟩
rcases n with _ | n
· simp [sbAux] at hn
simp [sbAux] at hn
rcases hn with ⟨x, xmem, hx⟩
use x
have : x ∈ A := by
rw [A_def, sbSet, mem_iUnion]
exact ⟨n, xmem⟩
simp only [h_def, sbFun, if_pos this]
exact hg hx
use g y
simp only [h_def, sbFun, if_neg gyA]
apply leftInverse_invFun hg

theorem schroeder_bernstein {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) :
∃ h : α → β, Bijective h :=
⟨sbFun f g, sb_injective f g hf, sb_surjective f g hg⟩
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/Cantor.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic
import DuperOnMathlib.DuperInterface

open Function

variable {α : Type*}

theorem Cantor : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬ Surjective f := by
intro f Surjf
rcases Surjf {i | i ∉ f i} with ⟨a, h⟩
have : ¬ a ∉ f a := by
-- nice
duper [h, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
apply this
rw [h]
exact this

theorem Cantor2 : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬ Surjective f := by
intro f Surjf
rcases Surjf {i | i ∉ f i} with ⟨a, h⟩
have : a ∈ f a ↔ a ∉ f a := by
duper [h, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
duper [this]

-- Nice!
theorem Cantor3 : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬ Surjective f := by
intro f Surjf
have := Surjf {i | i ∉ f i}
duper [Set.mem_setOf_eq, this]

namespace original

theorem Cantor : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬ Surjective f := by
intro f Surjf
rcases Surjf {i | i ∉ f i} with ⟨a, h⟩
have : ¬ a ∉ f a := by
intro h'
apply h'
rw [h]
exact h'
apply this
rw [h]
exact this

theorem Cantor_alt : ∀ f : α → Set α, ¬ Surjective f := by
intro f Surjf
rcases Surjf {i | i ∉ f i} with ⟨a, h⟩
have : a ∈ f a ↔ a ∉ f a := by
nth_rewrite 1 [h]; rfl

end original
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/IVT.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic

def ApproachesAt (f : ℝ → ℝ) (b : ℝ) (a : ℝ) :=
∀ ε, 0 < ε → ∃ δ, 0 < δ ∧ ∀ x, abs (x - a) < δ → abs (f x - b) < ε

def Continuous (f : ℝ → ℝ) := ∀ x, ApproachesAt f (f x) x

theorem continuous_id : Continuous (λ x ↦ x) := by
intro x
intro ε εpos
use ε
exact εpos
intro x' h
simp [h]

theorem ivt {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a b : ℝ} (aleb : a ≤ b)
(ctsf : Continuous f) (hfa : f a < 0) (hfb : 0 < f b) :
∃ x, a ≤ x ∧ x ≤ b ∧ f x = 0 := by
set S := { x | f x ≤ 0 ∧ a ≤ x ∧ x ≤ b } with hS
have aS : a ∈ S := by
exact ⟨le_of_lt hfa, le_refl a, aleb⟩
have nonemptyS : S.Nonempty := ⟨a, aS⟩
have bddS : BddAbove S := by
use b
intro x xS
exact xS.2.2
set x₀ := sSup S with hx₀
have alex₀ : a ≤ x₀ := le_csSup bddS aS
have x₀leb : x₀ ≤ b := by
apply csSup_le nonemptyS
intro x xS
exact xS.2.2
have : ¬ 0 < f x₀ := by
intro h
rcases ctsf x₀ _ h with ⟨δ, δpos, hδ⟩
set x' := x₀ - δ / 2 with hx'
have : ∃ x'' ∈ S, x' < x'' := by
apply exists_lt_of_lt_csSup nonemptyS
rw [hx']; linarith
rcases this with ⟨x'', x''S, x'lt⟩
have : x'' ≤ x₀ := by
exact le_csSup bddS x''S
have : abs (f x'' - f x₀) < f x₀ := by
apply hδ
rw [abs_of_nonpos, neg_sub]
simp [hx₀] at *
rw [abs_lt] at this
simp [hS] at x''S
have : ¬ f x₀ < 0 := by
intro h
have : 0 < - f x₀ := by
rcases ctsf x₀ _ this with ⟨δ, δpos, hδ⟩
have x₀lt1 : x₀ < b := by
apply lt_of_le_of_ne x₀leb
intro h'
rw [h'] at h
exact lt_asymm hfb h
have minpos : 0 < min (δ / 2) (b - x₀) := by
apply lt_min; linarith
set x' := x₀ + min (δ / 2) (b - x₀) with hx'
have : abs (f x' - f x₀) < - f x₀ := by
apply hδ
simp [hx']
rw [abs_of_pos minpos]
apply lt_of_le_of_lt (min_le_left _ _)
have x'S : x' ∈ S := by
dsimp [hS, hx']
rw [abs_lt] at this
constructor; linarith
constructor; linarith
linarith [min_le_right (δ / 2) (b - x₀)]
have : x' ≤ x₀ := le_csSup bddS x'S
dsimp [hx'] at this
have : f x₀ = 0 := by linarith
use x₀, alex₀, x₀leb, this
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions DuperOnMathlib/DuperOnMathlib/ListExamples.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import Mathlib.Data.List.Basic

variable {α : Type*} [LinearOrder α]

/-- Returns a pair consisting of a minimal element of the list (or ⊥ if the list is empty) and the
maximal element element of the list (or ⊤ if the list if empty) -/
def foo : List α → WithBot α × WithTop α
| [] => (⊥, ⊤)
| (x :: xs) =>
let (min, max) := foo xs
(min ⊓ x, max ⊔ x)

/-- An alternative definition, using `foldr` -/
def foo' (xs : List α) : WithBot α × WithTop α :=
xs.foldr (fun (x : α) (p : WithBot α × WithTop α) => (Prod.fst p ⊓ x, Prod.snd p ⊔ x)) (⊥, ⊤)

theorem foo'_cons (x : α) (xs : List α) : foo' (x :: xs) = ((foo' xs).fst ⊓ x, (foo' xs).snd ⊔ x) := by
simp [foo']

theorem foo_eq_foo' (xs : List α) : foo xs = foo' xs := by
induction xs with
| nil => rfl
| cons x xs ih =>
simp [foo, foo'_cons, ih]

theorem fst_foo_le (xs : List α) : ∀ x ∈ xs, (foo xs).fst ≤ x := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp [foo]
| cons x xs ih =>
intro y h
simp [foo]
simp at h
cases h with
| inl h =>
simp [h]
| inr h =>
simp [ih _ h]


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