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Signed-off-by: Sky Wilshaw <[email protected]>
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zeramorphic committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 59b6839 commit 66f4e32
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Showing 6 changed files with 286 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ConNF.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import ConNF.Counting.Conclusions
import ConNF.Counting.CountSupportOrbit
import ConNF.Counting.Recode
import ConNF.Counting.Twist
import ConNF.External.Basic
import ConNF.External.WellOrder
import ConNF.FOA.BaseAction
import ConNF.FOA.BaseApprox
import ConNF.FOA.Coherent
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155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions ConNF/External/Basic.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
import ConNF.Model.Result

# New file
In this file...
## Main declarations
* ``: Something new.

noncomputable section
universe u

open Cardinal Ordinal ConNF.TSet

namespace ConNF

variable [Params.{u}] {α β γ δ ε ζ : Λ} (hβ : (β : TypeIndex) < α) (hγ : (γ : TypeIndex) < β)
(hδ : (δ : TypeIndex) < γ) (hε : (ε : TypeIndex) < δ) (hζ : (ζ : TypeIndex) < ε)

def union (x y : TSet α) : TSet α :=
(xᶜ' ⊓' yᶜ')ᶜ'

notation:68 x:68 " ⊔[" h "] " y:68 => _root_.ConNF.union h x y
notation:68 x:68 " ⊔' " y:68 => x ⊔[by assumption] y

theorem mem_union_iff (x y : TSet α) :
∀ z : TSet β, z ∈' x ⊔' y ↔ z ∈' x ∨ z ∈' y := by
rw [union]
intro z
rw [mem_compl_iff, mem_inter_iff, mem_compl_iff, mem_compl_iff, or_iff_not_and_not]

def higherIndex (α : Λ) : Λ :=
(exists_gt α).choose

theorem lt_higherIndex {α : Λ} :
(α : TypeIndex) < higherIndex α :=
WithBot.coe_lt_coe.mpr (exists_gt α).choose_spec

theorem tSet_nonempty (h : ∃ β : Λ, (β : TypeIndex) < α) : Nonempty (TSet α) := by
obtain ⟨α', hα⟩ := h
apply typeLower lt_higherIndex lt_higherIndex lt_higherIndex hα
apply cardinalOne lt_higherIndex lt_higherIndex

def univ : TSet α :=
(tSet_nonempty ⟨β, hβ⟩).some ⊔' (tSet_nonempty ⟨β, hβ⟩).someᶜ'

theorem mem_univ_iff :
∀ x : TSet β, x ∈' univ hβ := by
intro x
rw [univ, mem_union_iff, mem_compl_iff]
exact em _

/-- The set of all ordered pairs. -/
def orderedPairs : TSet α :=
vCross hβ hγ hδ (univ hδ)

theorem mem_orderedPairs_iff (x : TSet β) :
x ∈' orderedPairs hβ hγ hδ ↔ ∃ a b, x = ⟨a, b⟩' := by
simp only [orderedPairs, vCross_spec, mem_univ_iff, and_true]

def converse (x : TSet α) : TSet α :=
converse' hβ hγ hδ x ⊓' orderedPairs hβ hγ hδ

theorem op_mem_converse_iff (x : TSet α) :
∀ a b, ⟨a, b⟩' ∈' converse hβ hγ hδ x ↔ ⟨b, a⟩' ∈' x := by
intro a b
simp only [converse, mem_inter_iff, converse'_spec, mem_orderedPairs_iff, op_inj, exists_and_left,
exists_eq', and_true]

def cross (x y : TSet γ) : TSet α :=
converse hβ hγ hδ (vCross hβ hγ hδ x) ⊓' vCross hβ hγ hδ y

theorem mem_cross_iff (x y : TSet γ) :
∀ a, a ∈' cross hβ hγ hδ x y ↔ ∃ b c, a = ⟨b, c⟩' ∧ b ∈' x ∧ c ∈' y := by
intro a
rw [cross, mem_inter_iff, vCross_spec]
· rintro ⟨h₁, b, c, rfl, h₂⟩
simp only [op_mem_converse_iff, vCross_spec, op_inj] at h₁
obtain ⟨b', c', ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, h₁⟩ := h₁
exact ⟨b, c, rfl, h₁, h₂⟩
· rintro ⟨b, c, rfl, h₁, h₂⟩
simp only [op_mem_converse_iff, vCross_spec, op_inj]
exact ⟨⟨c, b, ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, h₁⟩, ⟨b, c, ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, h₂⟩⟩

def singletonImage (x : TSet β) : TSet α :=
singletonImage' hβ hγ hδ hε x ⊓' (cross hβ hγ hδ (cardinalOne hδ hε) (cardinalOne hδ hε))

theorem singletonImage_spec (x : TSet β) :
∀ z w,
⟨ {z}', {w}' ⟩' ∈' singletonImage hβ hγ hδ hε x ↔ ⟨z, w⟩' ∈' x := by
intro z w
rw [singletonImage, mem_inter_iff, singletonImage'_spec, and_iff_left_iff_imp]
intro hzw
rw [mem_cross_iff]
refine ⟨{z}', {w}', rfl, ?_⟩
simp only [mem_cardinalOne_iff, singleton_inj, exists_eq', and_self]

theorem exists_of_mem_singletonImage {x : TSet β} {z w : TSet δ}
(h : ⟨z, w⟩' ∈' singletonImage hβ hγ hδ hε x) :
∃ a b, z = {a}' ∧ w = {b}' := by
simp only [singletonImage, mem_inter_iff, mem_cross_iff, op_inj, mem_cardinalOne_iff] at h
obtain ⟨-, _, _, ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, ⟨a, rfl⟩, ⟨b, rfl⟩⟩ := h
exact ⟨a, b, rfl, rfl⟩

/-- Turn a model element encoding a relation into an actual relation. -/
def ExternalRel (r : TSet α) : Rel (TSet δ) (TSet δ) :=
λ x y ↦ ⟨x, y⟩' ∈' r

theorem externalRel_converse (r : TSet α) :
ExternalRel hβ hγ hδ (converse hβ hγ hδ r) = (ExternalRel hβ hγ hδ r).inv := by
simp only [ExternalRel, op_mem_converse_iff, Rel.inv_apply]

/-- The codomain of a relation. -/
def codom (r : TSet α) : TSet γ :=
(typeLower lt_higherIndex hβ hγ hδ (singletonImage lt_higherIndex hβ hγ hδ r)ᶜ[lt_higherIndex])ᶜ'

theorem mem_codom_iff (r : TSet α) (x : TSet δ) :
x ∈' codom hβ hγ hδ r ↔ x ∈ (ExternalRel hβ hγ hδ r).codom := by
simp only [codom, mem_compl_iff, mem_typeLower_iff, not_forall, not_not]
· rintro ⟨y, hy⟩
obtain ⟨a, b, rfl, hb⟩ := exists_of_mem_singletonImage lt_higherIndex hβ hγ hδ hy
rw [singleton_inj] at hb
subst hb
rw [singletonImage_spec] at hy
exact ⟨a, hy⟩
· rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
use {a}'
rw [singletonImage_spec]
exact ha

/-- The domain of a relation. -/
def dom (r : TSet α) : TSet γ :=
codom hβ hγ hδ (converse hβ hγ hδ r)

theorem mem_dom_iff (r : TSet α) (x : TSet δ) :
x ∈' dom hβ hγ hδ r ↔ x ∈ (ExternalRel hβ hγ hδ r).dom := by
rw [dom, mem_codom_iff, externalRel_converse, Rel.inv_codom]

end ConNF
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions ConNF/External/WellOrder.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import ConNF.External.Basic

# New file
In this file...
## Main declarations
* ``: Something new.

noncomputable section
universe u

open Cardinal Ordinal ConNF.TSet

namespace ConNF

variable [Params.{u}] {α β γ δ ε ζ : Λ} (hβ : (β : TypeIndex) < α) (hγ : (γ : TypeIndex) < β)
(hδ : (δ : TypeIndex) < γ) (hε : (ε : TypeIndex) < δ) (hζ : (ζ : TypeIndex) < ε)

/-- A set in our model that is a well-order. Internal well-orders are exactly external well-orders,
so we externalise the definition for convenience. -/
def InternalWellOrder (r : TSet α) : Prop :=
IsWellOrder (TSet δ) (ExternalRel hβ hγ hδ r)

def InternallyWellOrdered (x : TSet γ) : Prop :=
∃ r, InternalWellOrder hβ hγ hδ r ∧ x = dom hβ hγ hδ r

end ConNF
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ConNF/Levels/StrSet.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ end StrSet
class TypedMem (X Y : Type _) (β α : outParam TypeIndex) where
typedMem : β < α → X → Y → Prop

notation:50 x:50 " ∈[" h:50 "] " y:50 => TypedMem.typedMem h x y
notation:50 x:50 " ∈[" h "] " y:50 => TypedMem.typedMem h x y
notation:50 x:50 " ∈' " y:50 => TypedMem.typedMem (by assumption) x y

instance {β α : TypeIndex} : TypedMem (StrSet β) (StrSet α) β α where
typedMem h x y :=
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions ConNF/Model/Hailperin.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ theorem exists_converse (x : TSet α) :
exact hab

theorem exists_cardinalOne :
∃ x : TSet α, ∀ a : TSet β, a ∈[hβ] x ↔ ∃ b, ∀ c : TSet γ, c ∈[hγ] a ↔ c = b := by
have := exists_of_symmetric {a | ∃ b, ∀ c : TSet γ, c ∈[hγ] a ↔ c = b} hβ ?_
∃ x : TSet α, ∀ a : TSet β, a ∈[hβ] x ↔ ∃ b, a = singleton hγ b := by
have := exists_of_symmetric {a | ∃ b, a = singleton hγ b} hβ ?_
· obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := this
use y
intro a
Expand All @@ -369,13 +369,11 @@ theorem exists_cardinalOne :
· rintro ⟨z, ⟨a, ha⟩, rfl⟩
refine ⟨ρ ↘ hβ ↘ hγ • a, ?_⟩
intro b
simp only [mem_smul_iff', allPerm_inv_sderiv', ha, inv_smul_eq_iff]
simp only [ha, smul_singleton]
· rintro ⟨a, ha⟩
rw [Set.mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem]
refine ⟨ρ⁻¹ ↘ hβ ↘ hγ • a, ?_⟩
intro b
simp only [mem_smul_iff', inv_inv, allPerm_inv_sderiv', ha, smul_eq_iff_eq_inv_smul]
simp only [ha, smul_singleton, allPerm_inv_sderiv']

theorem exists_subset :
∃ x : TSet α, ∀ a b, op hγ hδ a b ∈[hβ] x ↔ ∀ c : TSet ε, c ∈[hε] a → c ∈[hε] b := by
Expand Down
129 changes: 92 additions & 37 deletions ConNF/Model/Result.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,62 +21,117 @@ variable [Params.{u}] {α β γ δ ε ζ : Λ} (hβ : (β : TypeIndex) < α) (h
(hδ : (δ : TypeIndex) < γ) (hε : (ε : TypeIndex) < δ) (hζ : (ζ : TypeIndex) < ε)

theorem ext (x y : TSet α) :
(∀ z : TSet β, z ∈[hβ] x ↔ z ∈[hβ] y) → x = y :=
(∀ z : TSet β, z ∈' x ↔ z ∈' y) → x = y :=
tSet_ext' hβ x y

theorem exists_inter (x y : TSet α) :
∃ w : TSet α, ∀ z : TSet β, z ∈[hβ] w ↔ z ∈[hβ] x ∧ z ∈[hβ] y :=
TSet.exists_inter hβ x y
def inter (x y : TSet α) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_inter hβ x y).choose

theorem exists_compl (x : TSet α) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ z : TSet β, z ∈[hβ] y ↔ ¬z ∈[hβ] x :=
TSet.exists_compl hβ x
notation:69 x:69 " ⊓[" h "] " y:69 => _root_.ConNF.inter h x y
notation:69 x:69 " ⊓' " y:69 => x ⊓[by assumption] y

theorem mem_inter_iff (x y : TSet α) :
∀ z : TSet β, z ∈' x ⊓' y ↔ z ∈' x ∧ z ∈' y :=
(TSet.exists_inter hβ x y).choose_spec

def compl (x : TSet α) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_compl hβ x).choose

notation:1024 x:1024 " ᶜ[" h "]" => _root_.ConNF.compl h x
notation:1024 x:1024 " ᶜ'" => xᶜ[by assumption]

theorem mem_compl_iff (x : TSet α) :
∀ z : TSet β, z ∈' xᶜ' ↔ ¬z ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_compl hβ x).choose_spec

notation:1024 "{" x "}[" h "]" => _root_.ConNF.singleton h x
notation:1024 "{" x "}'" => {x}[by assumption]

theorem mem_singleton_iff (x y : TSet β) :
y ∈[hβ] singleton hβ x ↔ y = x :=
y ∈' {x}' ↔ y = x :=
typedMem_singleton_iff' hβ x y

notation:1024 "{" x ", " y "}[" h "]" => _root_.ConNF.TSet.up h x y
notation:1024 "{" x ", " y "}'" => {x, y}[by assumption]

theorem mem_up_iff (x y z : TSet β) :
z ∈[hβ] up hβ x y ↔ z = x ∨ z = y :=
z ∈' {x, y}' ↔ z = x ∨ z = y :=
TSet.mem_up_iff hβ x y z

notation:1024 "⟨" x ", " y "⟩[" h ", " h' "]" => _root_.ConNF.TSet.op h h' x y
notation:1024 "⟨" x ", " y "⟩'" => ⟨x, y⟩[by assumption, by assumption]

theorem op_def (x y : TSet γ) :
op hβ hγ x y = up hβ (singleton hγ x) (up hγ x y) :=
(⟨x, y⟩' : TSet α) = { {x}', {x, y}' }' :=

theorem exists_singletonImage (x : TSet β) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ z w,
op hγ hδ (singleton hε z) (singleton hε w) ∈[hβ] y ↔ op hδ hε z w ∈[hγ] x :=
TSet.exists_singletonImage hβ hγ hδ hε x
def singletonImage' (x : TSet β) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_singletonImage hβ hγ hδ hε x).choose

theorem singletonImage'_spec (x : TSet β) :
∀ z w,
⟨ {z}', {w}' ⟩' ∈' singletonImage' hβ hγ hδ hε x ↔ ⟨z, w⟩' ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_singletonImage hβ hγ hδ hε x).choose_spec

def insertion2' (x : TSet γ) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_insertion2 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x).choose

theorem insertion2'_spec (x : TSet γ) :
∀ a b c, ⟨ { {a}' }', ⟨b, c⟩' ⟩' ∈' insertion2' hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x ↔
⟨a, c⟩' ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_insertion2 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x).choose_spec

def insertion3' (x : TSet γ) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_insertion3 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x).choose

theorem insertion3'_spec (x : TSet γ) :
∀ a b c, ⟨ { {a}' }', ⟨b, c⟩' ⟩' ∈' insertion3' hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x ↔
⟨a, b⟩' ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_insertion3 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x).choose_spec

def vCross (x : TSet γ) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_cross hβ hγ hδ x).choose

theorem vCross_spec (x : TSet γ) :
∀ a, a ∈' vCross hβ hγ hδ x ↔ ∃ b c, a = ⟨b, c⟩' ∧ c ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_cross hβ hγ hδ x).choose_spec

def typeLower (x : TSet α) : TSet δ :=
(TSet.exists_typeLower hβ hγ hδ hε x).choose

theorem exists_insertion2 (x : TSet γ) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ a b c, op hγ hδ (singleton hε (singleton hζ a)) (op hε hζ b c) ∈[hβ] y ↔
op hζ a c ∈[hδ] x :=
TSet.exists_insertion2 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x
theorem mem_typeLower_iff (x : TSet α) :
∀ a, a ∈' typeLower hβ hγ hδ x ↔ ∀ b, ⟨ b, {a}' ⟩' ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_typeLower hβ hγ hδ hε x).choose_spec

theorem exists_insertion3 (x : TSet γ) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ a b c, op hγ hδ (singleton hε (singleton hζ a)) (op hε hζ b c) ∈[hβ] y ↔
op hε hζ a b ∈[hδ] x :=
TSet.exists_insertion3 hβ hγ hδ hε hζ x
def converse' (x : TSet α) : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_converse hβ hγ hδ x).choose

theorem exists_cross (x : TSet γ) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ a, a ∈[hβ] y ↔ ∃ b c, a = op hγ hδ b c ∧ c ∈[hδ] x :=
TSet.exists_cross hβ hγ hδ x
theorem converse'_spec (x : TSet α) :
∀ a b, ⟨a, b⟩' ∈' converse' hβ hγ hδ x ↔ ⟨b, a⟩' ∈' x :=
(TSet.exists_converse hβ hγ hδ x).choose_spec

theorem exists_typeLower (x : TSet α) :
∃ y : TSet δ, ∀ a, a ∈[hε] y ↔ ∀ b, op hγ hδ b (singleton hε a) ∈[hβ] x :=
TSet.exists_typeLower hβ hγ hδ hε x
def cardinalOne : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_cardinalOne hβ hγ).choose

theorem exists_converse (x : TSet α) :
∃ y : TSet α, ∀ a b, op hγ hδ a b ∈[hβ] y ↔ op hγ hδ b a ∈[hβ] x :=
TSet.exists_converse hβ hγ hδ x
theorem mem_cardinalOne_iff :
∀ a : TSet β, a ∈' cardinalOne hβ hγ ↔ ∃ b, a = {b}' :=
(TSet.exists_cardinalOne hβ hγ).choose_spec

theorem exists_cardinalOne :
∃ x : TSet α, ∀ a : TSet β, a ∈[hβ] x ↔ ∃ b, ∀ c : TSet γ, c ∈[hγ] a ↔ c = b :=
TSet.exists_cardinalOne hβ hγ
def subset' : TSet α :=
(TSet.exists_subset hβ hγ hδ hε).choose

theorem exists_subset :
∃ x : TSet α, ∀ a b, op hγ hδ a b ∈[hβ] x ↔ ∀ c : TSet ε, c ∈[hε] a → c ∈[hε] b :=
TSet.exists_subset hβ hγ hδ hε
theorem subset'_spec :
∀ a b, ⟨a, b⟩' ∈' subset' hβ hγ hδ hε ↔ ∀ c : TSet ε, c ∈' a → c ∈' b :=
(TSet.exists_subset hβ hγ hδ hε).choose_spec

end ConNF

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