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Merge pull request #6 from leanprover-community/loogle
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Loogle implemented
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siddhartha-gadgil authored Sep 16, 2024
2 parents e7fa7bc + 5f3c33d commit dcec95d
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Showing 4 changed files with 304 additions and 4 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion LeanSearchClient/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,9 @@ register_option leansearch.queries : Nat :=
register_option moogle.queries : Nat :=
{ defValue := 6
group := "moogle"
descr := "Number of results requested from leansearch (default 6)" }
descr := "Number of results requested from moogle (default 6)" }

register_option loogle.queries : Nat :=
{ defValue := 6
group := "loogle"
descr := "Number of results requested from loogle (default 6)" }
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions LeanSearchClient/LoogleSyntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Siddhartha Gadgil. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Siddhartha Gadgil
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Meta
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.TryThis
import LeanSearchClient.Basic
import LeanSearchClient.Syntax

# LeanSearchClient
In this file, we provide syntax for search using the [leansearch API](
and the [Moogle API](
from within Lean. It allows you to search for Lean tactics and theorems using natural language.
We provide syntax to make a query and generate `TryThis` options to click or
use a code action to use the results.
The queries are of three forms. For leansearch these are:
* `Command` syntax: `#leansearch "search query"` as a command.
* `Term` syntax: `#leansearch "search query"` as a term.
* `Tactic` syntax: `#leansearch "search query"` as a tactic.
The corresponding syntax for Moogle is:
* `Command` syntax: `#moogle "search query"` as a command.
* `Term` syntax: `#moogle "search query"` as a term.
* `Tactic` syntax: `#moogle "search query"` as a tactic.
In all cases results are displayed in the Lean Infoview and clicking these replaces the query text.
In the cases of a query for tactics only valid tactics are displayed.

namespace LeanSearchClient

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Parser Term

structure LoogleMatch where
name : String
type : String
doc? : Option String
deriving Inhabited, Repr

inductive LoogleResult where
| success : Array SearchResult → LoogleResult
| failure (error : String) (suggestions: Option <| List String) : LoogleResult
deriving Inhabited, Repr

def getLoogleQueryJson (s : String) (num_results : Nat := 6) :
IO <| LoogleResult:= do
let apiUrl := ""
let s' := System.Uri.escapeUri s
let q := apiUrl ++ s!"?q={s'}"
let s ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "curl", args := #["-X", "GET", q]}
match Json.parse s.stdout with
| Except.error e =>
IO.throwServerError s!"Could not parse JSON from {s.stdout}; error: {e}"
| Except.ok js =>
let result? := js.getObjValAs? Json "hits" |>.toOption
let result? := result?.filter fun js => js != Json.null
match result? with
| some result => do
match result.getArr? with
| Except.ok arr =>
let arr := arr[0:num_results] |>.toArray
let xs : Array SearchResult ←
arr.mapM fun js => do
let doc? := js.getObjValAs? String "doc" |>.toOption
let name? := js.getObjValAs? String "name"
let type? := js.getObjValAs? String "type"
match name?, type? with
| Except.ok name, Except.ok type =>
pure <| {name := name, type? := some type, docString? := doc?, doc_url? := none, kind? := none}
| _, _ =>
IO.throwServerError s!"Could not obtain name and type from {js}"
return LoogleResult.success xs
| Except.error e => IO.throwServerError s!"Could not obtain array from {js}; error: {e}, query :{s'}, hits: {result}"
| _ =>
let error? := js.getObjValAs? String "error"
match error? with
| Except.ok error =>
let suggestions? :=
js.getObjValAs? (List String) "suggestions" |>.toOption
pure <| LoogleResult.failure error suggestions?
| _ =>
IO.throwServerError s!"Could not obtain hits or error from {js}"

-- #eval getLoogleQueryJson "List"

def loogleUsage : String :=
"Loogle Usage
Loogle finds definitions and lemmas in various ways:
By constant:
🔍 Real.sin
finds all lemmas whose statement somehow mentions the sine function.
By lemma name substring:
🔍 \"differ\"
finds all lemmas that have \"differ\" somewhere in their lemma name.
By subexpression:
🔍 _ * (_ ^ _)
finds all lemmas whose statements somewhere include a product where the second argument is raised to some power.
The pattern can also be non-linear, as in
🔍 Real.sqrt ?a * Real.sqrt ?a
If the pattern has parameters, they are matched in any order. Both of these will find
🔍 (?a -> ?b) -> List ?a -> List ?b
🔍 List ?a -> (?a -> ?b) -> List ?b
By main conclusion:
🔍 |- tsum _ = _ * tsum _
finds all lemmas where the conclusion (the subexpression to the right of all → and ∀) has the given shape.
As before, if the pattern has parameters, they are matched against the hypotheses of the lemma in any order; for example,
🔍 |- _ < _ → tsum _ < tsum _
will find tsum_lt_tsum even though the hypothesis f i < g i is not the last.
If you pass more than one such search filter, separated by commas Loogle will return lemmas which match all of them. The search
🔍 Real.sin, \"two\", tsum, _ * _, _ ^ _, |- _ < _ → _
woould find all lemmas which mention the constants Real.sin and tsum, have \"two\" as a substring of the lemma name, include a product and a power somewhere in the type, and have a hypothesis of the form _ < _ (if there were any such lemmas). Metavariables (?a) are assigned independently in each filter."

/-- The turnstyle uesd bin `#find`, unicode or ascii allowed -/
syntax turnstyle := patternIgnore("⊢ " <|> "|- ")
/-- a single `#find` filter. The `term` can also be an ident or a strlit,
these are distinguished in `parseFindFilters` -/
syntax loogle_filter := (turnstyle term) <|> term

/-- The argument to `#find`, a list of filters -/
syntax loogle_filters := loogle_filter,*

open Command
syntax (name := loogle_cmd) "#loogle" loogle_filters "go" : command
@[command_elab loogle_cmd] def loogleCmdImpl : CommandElab := fun stx =>
Command.liftTermElabM do
match stx with
| `(command| #loogle $args:loogle_filters go) =>
let s := (← PrettyPrinter.ppCategory ``loogle_filters args).pretty
logInfo s
let result ← getLoogleQueryJson s
match result with
| LoogleResult.success xs =>
let suggestions := SearchResult.toCommandSuggestion
if suggestions.isEmpty then
logWarning "Loogle search returned no results"
logInfo loogleUsage
TryThis.addSuggestions stx suggestions (header := s!"Loogle Search Results")
| LoogleResult.failure error suggestions? =>
logWarning s!"Loogle search failed with error: {error}"
logInfo loogleUsage
match suggestions? with
| some suggestions =>
let suggestions : List TryThis.Suggestion := fun s =>
{suggestion := .string s!"#loogle \"{s}\" go"}
unless suggestions.isEmpty do
TryThis.addSuggestions stx suggestions.toArray (header := s!"Did you maybe mean")
| none => pure ()
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

-- #loogle List ?a → ?b go

-- #loogle nonsense go

-- #loogle ?a → ?b go

-- #loogle sin go

syntax (name := loogle_term) "#loogle" loogle_filters "go" : term
@[term_elab loogle_term] def loogleTermImpl : TermElab :=
fun stx expectedType? => do
match stx with
| `(#loogle $args go) =>
let s := (← PrettyPrinter.ppCategory ``loogle_filters args).pretty
let result ← getLoogleQueryJson s
match result with
| LoogleResult.success xs =>
let suggestions := SearchResult.toTermSuggestion
if suggestions.isEmpty then
logWarning "Loogle search returned no results"
logInfo loogleUsage
TryThis.addSuggestions stx suggestions (header := s!"Loogle Search Results")

| LoogleResult.failure error suggestions? =>
logWarning s!"Loogle search failed with error: {error}"
logInfo loogleUsage
match suggestions? with
| some suggestions =>
let suggestions : List TryThis.Suggestion := fun s =>
let s := s.replace "\"" "\\\""
{suggestion := .string s!"#loogle \"{s}\" go"}
unless suggestions.isEmpty do
TryThis.addSuggestions stx suggestions.toArray (header := s!"Did you maybe mean")
| none => pure ()
defaultTerm expectedType?
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

syntax (name := loogle_tactic) "#loogle" loogle_filters "go" : tactic
@[tactic loogle_tactic] def loogleTacticImpl : Tactic :=
fun stx => do
match stx with
| `(tactic|#loogle $args go) =>
let s := (← PrettyPrinter.ppCategory ``loogle_filters args).pretty
let result ← getLoogleQueryJson s
match result with
| LoogleResult.success xs => do
let suggestionGroups := fun sr =>
(, sr.toTacticSuggestions)
for (name, sg) in suggestionGroups do
let sg ← sg.filterM fun s =>
let sugTxt := s.suggestion
match sugTxt with
| .string s => do
let stx? := runParserCategory (← getEnv) `tactic s
match stx? with
| Except.ok stx =>
let n? ← checkTactic (← getMainTarget) stx
return n?.isSome
| Except.error _ =>
pure false
| _ => pure false
unless sg.isEmpty do
TryThis.addSuggestions stx sg (header := s!"From: {name}")

| LoogleResult.failure error suggestions? =>
logWarning s!"Loogle search failed with error: {error}"
logInfo loogleUsage
match suggestions? with
| some suggestions =>
let suggestions : List TryThis.Suggestion := fun s =>
{suggestion := .string s!"#loogle \"{s}\" go"}
unless suggestions.isEmpty do
TryThis.addSuggestions stx suggestions.toArray (header := s!"Did you maybe mean")
| none => pure ()
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

example : 35 := by
-- #loogle Nat.succ_le_succ go

-- example := #loogle List ?a → ?b go

end LeanSearchClient

-- #loogle "sin", Real → Real, |- Real go
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions LeanSearchClient/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Parser Term

def getLeanSearchQueryJson (s : String) (num_results : Nat := 6) : IO <| Array Json := do
let apiUrl := ""
let s' := s.replace " " "%20"
let s' := System.Uri.escapeUri s
let q := apiUrl ++ s!"?query={s'}&num_results={num_results}"
let s ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "curl", args := #["-X", "GET", q]}
let js := Json.parse s.stdout |>.toOption |>.get!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,11 +96,19 @@ def ofMoogleJson? (js : Json) : MetaM <| Option SearchResult :=
pure none
let doc? := js.getObjValAs? String "declarationDocString" |>.toOption
let doc? := doc?.filter fun s => s != ""
let docurl? := none
let kind? := js.getObjValAs? String "declarationType" |>.toOption
return some {name := name, type? := type?, docString? := doc?, doc_url? := docurl?, kind? := kind?}
return some {name := name, type? := type?, docString? := doc?, doc_url? := none, kind? := kind?}
| _ => return none

def ofLoogleJson? (js : Json) : Option SearchResult :=
match js.getObjValAs? String "name" with
| Except.ok name =>
let type? := js.getObjValAs? String "type" |>.toOption
let doc? := js.getObjValAs? String "doc" |>.toOption
let doc? := doc?.filter fun s => s != ""
some {name := name, type? := type?, docString? := doc?, doc_url? := none, kind? := none}
| _ => none

def toCommandSuggestion (sr : SearchResult) : TryThis.Suggestion :=
let data := match sr.docString? with
| some doc => s!"{doc}\n"
Expand Down
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions LeanSearchClientTest/LoogleExamples.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import LeanSearchClient.Syntax

# Moogle Examples
Examples of using the Loogle API. The search is triggered when the sentence ends with a full stop (period) or a question mark. The final character (`.` or `?`) is omitted in the query.

warning: #loogle query should end with a `.` or `?`.
Note this command sends your query to an external service at
#guard_msgs in
#loogle "List ?a → ?a"

warning: #loogle query should end with a `.` or `?`.
Note this command sends your query to an external service at
#guard_msgs in
example := #loogle "List ?a → ?a"

set_option loogle.queries 1

/-- warning: declaration uses 'sorry' -/
#guard_msgs in
example : 35 := by
#loogle "List ?a = ?b."

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