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REGEM (RE-analysis of GEM summary statistics) is a software program for re-analyzing large-scale gene-environment interaction testing results, including multi-exposure interaction, joint, and marginal tests. It uses results directly from GEM output.

Current version: 1.1



  • C++ compiler with C++11 support
  • Boost C++ Libraries (Versions 1.70.0 - 1.79.0)
  • Intel Math Kernal Library (MKL)

Quick Installation

To install REGEM, run the following lines of code:

git clone
cd src


Running REGEM

Command Line Options

Once REGEM is compiled, the executable ./REGEM can be used to run the program. For a list of options, use ./REGEM --help.

List of Options
General Options:
   		Prints available options and exits.  
   		Prints the version of REGEM and exits.

File Options:
   		Path to the input file containing GEM results.  
   		Full path and extension to where REGEM output results.  
   		Default: regem.out  
   		Modifies the output of REGEM. Must be one of the following:
   			minimum: Output the summary statistics for only the GxE and marginal G terms.
   			   meta: 'minimum' output plus additional fields for the main G and any GxCovariate terms.
   				 For a robust analysis, additional columns for the model-based summary statistics will be included.
   			   full: 'meta' output plus additional fields needed for re-analyses of a subset of interactions.
   			Default: full  

Input File Options:  

   		One or more column names in the input file naming the exposure(s) to be included in interaction tests.  
   		Any column names in the input file naming the covariate(s) for which interactions should be included for adjustment (mutually exclusive with --exposure-names).

Input File

REGEM takes as input an output file from a GEM run with the --output-style flag set to "full". The --output-style flag is available in GEMv1.4.1 and later versions of the software.

Output File

REGEM will write results to the output file specified with the --out parameter (or 'regem.out' if no output file is specified). Below are details of the possible column headers in the output file.

SNPID              - The SNP identifier as retrieved from the genotype file.
CHR                - The chromosome of the SNP.
POS                - The physical position of the SNP. 
Non_Effect_Allele  - The allele not counted in association testing.  
Effect_Allele      - The allele that is counted in association testing.  
N_Samples          - The number of samples without missing genotypes.
AF                 - The allele frequency of the effect allele.
N_catE_*           - The number of non-missing samples in each combination of strata for all of the categorical exposures and interaction covariates.
AF_catE_*          - The allele frequency of the effect allele for each combination of strata for all of the catgorical exposure or interaction covariate.

Beta_Marginal           - The coefficient estimate for the marginal genetic effect (i.e., from a model with no interaction terms).
SE_Beta_Marginal        - The model-based SE associated with the marginal genetic effect estimate.  
robust_SE_Beta_Marginal - The robust SE associated with the marginal genetic effect estimate.

Beta_G             - The coefficient estimate for the genetic main effect (G).
Beta_G-*           - The coefficient estimate for the interaction or interaction covariate terms.
SE_Beta_G          - Model-based SE associated with the the genetic main effect (G).  
SE_Beta_G-*        - Model-based SE associated with any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
Cov_Beta_G_G-*     - Model-based covariance between the genetic main effect (G) and any GxE or interaction covariate terms.  
Cov_Beta_G-*_G-*   - Model-based covariance between any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_SE_Beta_G   - Robust SE associated with the the genetic main effect (G).  
robust_SE_Beta_G-* - Robust SE associated with any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_Cov_Beta_G_G-*   - Robust covariance between the genetic main effect (G) and any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_Cov_Beta_G-*_G-* - Robust covariance between any GxE or interaction covariate terms. 

P_Value_Marginal           - Marginal genetic effect p-value from model-based SE.
P_Value_Interaction        - Interaction effect p-value (K degrees of freedom test of interaction effect) from model-based SE. (K is number of major exposures)
P_Value_Joint              - Joint test p-value (K+1 degrees of freedom test of genetic and interaction effect) from model-based SE.
robust_P_Value_Marginal    - Marginal genetic effect p-value from robust SE.
robust_P_Value_Interaction - Interaction effect p-value from robust SE.
robust_P_Value_Joint       - Joint test p-value (K+1 degrees of freedom test of genetic and interaction effect) from robust SE.


./REGEM --input-file gem.out --exposure-names cov1 --out regem_cov1.out


For comments, suggestions, bug reports and questions, please contact Han Chen ([email protected]), Alisa Manning ([email protected]), or Kenny Westerman ([email protected]). For bug reports, please include an example to reproduce the problem without having to access your confidential data.


If you use REGEM, please cite

  • Pham DT, Westerman KE, Pan C, Chen L, Srinivasan S, Isganaitis E, Vajravelu ME, Bacha F, Chernausek S, Gubitosi-Klug R, Divers J, Pihoker C, Marcovina SM, Manning AK, Chen H. (2023) Re-analysis and meta-analysis of summary statistics from gene-environment interaction studies. Bioinformatics 39(12):btad730. PubMed PMID: 38039147. PMCID: PMC10724851. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad730.


REGEM: RE-analysis of GEM summary statistics
Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Duy T. Pham and Han Chen

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.