A Python package of the dynamic compressive gammachirp filterbank
- May, 2024
- Add: the new version (v234) 🎉 , a frame-based processing with hearing loss characteristics (Irino, 2023)
- Update: some functions for the previous version (v211)
- GitHub: https://github.com/kyama0321/gammachirpy
- Documents: T.B.D.
- The dynamic compressive gammachirp filterbank (dcGC-FB) is a time-domain and non-linear cochlear processing model (Irino and Patterson, 2006).
The compressive gammachirp auditory filter (cGC) consists of a passive gammachirp filter (pGC) and a high-pass asymmetric function (HP-AF).
The HP-AF shifts in frequency with stimulus level as dictated by data on the compression of basilar membrane motion.
- The dcGC-FB contains a fast-acting level control circuit for the cGC filter, and it can explain:
- level-dependent and asymmetric auditory filter shape
- masking patterns and excitation patterns
- fast compression (cochlear amplifier)
- two-tone supression.
The Gammachirp filter explains a notched-noise masking data well for normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners (Patterson+, 2003; Matsui+, 2016).
The new version (gcfb_v234) includes hearing loss characteristics (Irino, 2023)
- audiogram with a compression factor
$\alpha$ - input/output function with a compression factor
$\alpha$ and a audiogram - filter outputs based frame-based processing
- audiogram with a compression factor
- The MATLAB packages of the original Gammachirp filterbank are HERE.
The project name, "GammachirPy (がんまちゃーぴー)" is "Gammachirp + Python".
This project aims to translate the original MATLAB codes to Python and share them as an open-source software (Apache-2.0 license).
I have made some demo scripts of the Jupyter Notebook for educational uses. You can also open and execute them of Google Colaboratory. See gcfb_v211/demo_*.ipynb and gcfb_v234/demo_*.ipynb files.
The directory structure is almost the same as the original MATLAB page.
In each version, the directory mainly contains:
- gcfb_v*.py: dynamic compressive gammachirp (dcGC) filter
- gammachirp.py: passive gammachirp (pGC) filter
- utils.py: useful functions for auditory signal processing
- test_gcfb_v*_{pulse/speech}.py: test and demo scripts for practical uses as a plain Python file.
- demo_gcfb_v*_{pulse/speech}.ipynb: demo scripts for practical uses on the Jupyter Notebook. The scripts are based on test_gcfb_v*_{pulse/speech}.py.
- demo_gammachirp.ipynb: demo scripts for educational uses of the dcGC-FB on the Jupyter Notebook
- /sample: a speech file
- /original: outputs of original Gammachirp filterbank (*.mat)
- Python >= 3.11.1
- NumPy >= 1.26.4
- SciPy >= 1.10.1
- Matplotlib >= 3.7.1
- Jupyter >= 1.0.0
Please see more information in requirements.txt.
fork/clone the gammachirpy repository
git clone https://github.com/kyama0321/gammachirpy cd gammachirpy
If you use "venv":
python3.11 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip # pip install setuptools # if you fail to install packages pip install -r requirements.txt
Please see the README file in each directory.
- gcfb_v211: sample-by-sample processing version
- gcfb_v234: a new frame-based processing version for Wadai Hearing Impaired Simulator (WHIS)
In the gcfb_v234/demo_gammachirp.ipynb and gcfb_v211/demo_gammachirp.ipynb, essential characteristics of the gammachirp filterbank are explained and checked with the GammachirPy package.
In the gcfb_v234/demo_gcfb_v234_pulse.ipynb and gcfb_v211/demo_gcfb_v211_pulse.ipynb, a simple pulse train are used as an input signal with some sound pressure levels (SPLs) to compare outputs of the GammachirPy and the original Gammachirp.
In the latest release, the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) between output signals (cgc_out) of the GammachirPy and the original Gammachirp in each level is:
v211 (sample-by-sample processing)
gcfb SPL (dB) RMSE v211 40 4.11e-14 v211 60 2.25e-13 v211 80 1.73e-12 -
v234 (frame-based processing with hearing loss characteristics)
- NH: normal hearing
- HL3: hearing loss type #3 (ISO-7029; 70 year old, male)
gcfb NH/HL SPL (dB) RMSE v234 NH 40 1.10e-16 v234 NH 60 7.42e-16 v234 NH 80 4.08e-15 v234 HL3 40 4.14e-17 v234 HL3 60 3.06e-16 v234 HL3 80 2.04e-15
There are still small errors between the GammachirPy and the original Gammachirp. I would like to improve them with code refactorings in the future:-)
- Please be aware that the original firpm function in MATLAB is incompatible with the scipy.signal.remez function in GammachirPy code and the firmpm function in Octave due to the specifications of input arguments. The function is used for outer and middle ear corrections (
). You can use the frequency correction with options such as "ELC," "FreeField," and "EarDrum," but the phase characteristics are slightly different from the original Gammachirp outputs.
The packages is inspired from AMLAB-Wakayama/gammachirp-filterbank by Prof. Toshio Irino, Auditory Media Laboratory, Wakayama University, Japan.
- R. D. Patterson, M. Unoki, and T. Irino "Extending the domain of center frequencies for the compressive gammachirp auditory filter," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114 (3), pp.1529-1542, 2003.
- T. Irino and R. D. Patterson, "A dynamic compressive gammachirp auditory filterbank" IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Process., 14(6), pp.2222-2232, 2006.
- T. Irino, "An introduction to auditory filter," J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., 66(10), pp.505-512, 2010. (in Japanese)
- T. Matsui, T. Irino, H. Inabe, Y. Nishimura and R. D. Patterson, "Estimation of auditory compression and filter shape of elderly listeners using notched noise masking," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 140, p.3274, 2016.
- T. Irino and R. D. Patterson, "The gammachirp auditory filter and its application to speech perception," Acoust. Sci. & Tech., 41(1), pp.99-107, 2020.
- T. Irino, “Hearing Impairment Simulator Based on Auditory Excitation Pattern Playback: WHIS,” IEEE Access, 11, pp. 78419–78430, 2023.