Simple examples of building Rest api in Akka Http using Scala.
This sample app shows simple example of how to do the following in Akka Http
- Route setup via cases
- Route setup via route tree
- Route setup via chaining
- Route setup via model / crud
- Authentication
- Web Api
- Http Get
- Http Post
- Return text/html
- Return json
- Option 1: Run the app in intellij
- Option 2: Run "sbt run" on command line in root directory
There are several routes available to show examples of Akka Http usage.
The following route ( accessed via http post - using Postman ) will provide a summary of your app, host, and scala runtime.
ABOUT ===================================
desc Show various ways to setup routes, web apis, and some general patterns and practices
name Sample Akka Http Web Api
tags scala,akka,akka-http,web,apis,routes
region n/a
group your group
HOST ===================================
name KRPC1
ip Windows 8.1
version 6.3
origin local
arch amd64
ext1 C:\Users\kv\AppData\Local\Temp\
LANG ===================================
name scala
versionNum 2.11.6
home C:/Tools/Java/jdk1.8.0_91/jre
version 1.8.0_91
origin local
Copyright (C) 2016 Kishore Reddy
Distributed under the MIT License.