Source code relative to my blog post about adding a custom user model in Django.
To set-up the project from scratch, run the following commands in your terminal.
python makemigrations
python migrate
python createsuperuser
Create a superuser as prompted. Note that it is asking you an email address and not a username like in the base model.
git clone
cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
python -m virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd jstoolchains
npm install
You're good to go my friend!
To see your project in action, open 2 terminals.
In the first terminal run:
cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
cd jstoolchains
npm run tailwind-watch
In the second terminal run:
cd setup_django_tailwind_daisyui
python runserver
As prompted, open the page and enjoy 🚀
Note that changes in your html template blogApp\templates\blogApp\index.html
automatically updates what you see in your browser.