1.0.0 - Stable and Ready
1.0.0 - Jul 24 2018
- Makefile: updates, bugfixes, expansion, cleanup
Makefile: Remove *.o files as part of clean
Fix the static build of the lib (it was building a dynamic library named .a prior... whoops!)
Add a target, "install_static" which works the same way as "install" but only installs the archive (libshmfile.a)
Add a target, "static_debug" which recompiles the static lib using debug flags
Split out libshmfile.o into its own unit
- Cleanup and separate examples from base code
Create a new directory "examples"
Move 'owner.c' and 'guest.c' and 'owner_guest_private.h' into this 'examples' directory
Remove "examples" from the "all" target into its own target "examples" as the example code is not required to build libshmfile.so or libshmfile.a
Add "examples" target which will compile the example code
Add "examples_debug" target which will compile the example code with debug CFLAGS
Ensure that the "mode" provided to fshm_open is actually applied to the file. Now you can properly define rights (read/write) to owning user, owning group (now modifable by fshm_chgrp), and all other.
Implement a fshm_chmod function which can modify permissions afer a shmfile has been created
Implement a fshm_chgrp function which changes the group associated with the shmfile ( i.e. members of this group get max permissions as specified by the "group" bit in the "mode" parameter )
Add a new function, fshm_create(char *name, mode_t mode) for creating a new shmfile, which is a shorthand for fshm_open(name, mode, FSHM_OWNER)
Add a new function, fshm_guest_open(char *name) for mapping an existing shmfile, which is a shorthand for fshm_open(name, 0, FSHM_GUEST)
Update shmfile_get_version to use "unsigned char" instead of "char" for the version info (major, minor, patchlevel) as the version components will never be signed (negative)