My team was tasked with building a robot that performed two sets of tasks, over the course of two rounds.
✅ = Tasks completed
❌ = Tasks not attempted
Round 1 | Round 2 |
- ✅ Cross a bridge | - ✅ Follow a wall |
- ✅ Navigate a maze | - ❌ Climb up a ramp |
- ❌ Locate salamanders | - ❌ Measure the salinity of a solution |
Round 1 - Maze navigation - occurred on the two quadrants on the left; whereas Round 2 - Salinity - occured on the remaining two quadrants on the right.
Here are the members of my team followed by the roles:
- Odran Fitzgerald (Bridge and soldering)
- Georges Li (Building)
- Andrew Pan (CAD)
- Nicolas Morin (Wiring and Building)
- Noah Alban (Building)
- Kassi Bertrand 👻 (Software design and implementation)
- Arduino
- KNWRobot (a library made available to us by SMU staff)
The following 3D scan showcases the robot the team built 👇🏿.
In my opinion, the first problem I encountered was callibrating the motors of the robot, so it goes straight. I spent significant amounts of time guessing and checking hoping to find the right set of values for motors. It did not work.
The first serious attempt at solving the problem was to use encoders, like the one below 👇🏿:
We tried to use them to create a variation of a P.I.D. control loop to dynamically adjust the speed of our motors. Unfortunately, encoders were "too big" in a sense that fitting four of them on the robot will make it go over the 20cm x 20cm x 20 cm size requirement my team was aiming for.
The second idea was to use solid axle for the wheels. The arrangement looked liked this 👇🏿:
Though using the encoders failed, the idea forced my team to come up with a new arrangement for the DC Motors. Instead of having four independent motors, we used a single axle, controlled by one DC motor, to control two wheels at the same time. The rationale was that such arrangement would reduce guarantee that the wheels attached to the solid axle have the same RPM.
The idea was conceptually interesting, but failed for two reasons:
Uneven weight distribution: The robot had a tendency to veer in one direction, when moving.
Weak DC motors: The motors needed to turn very fast to turn the gears.
Note: a lot og guesses and checks went into finding the right dimensions for the gears. That resulted in a lot of "wasted" time.
With the previous ideas failing, the team had to revert back to the original "4-motors" configuration, and calibrate the motors. Instead of guessing and checking like before, motor calibration problem was handled using the following piece of code:
for(int i = 90; i < 115; i++){
robot -> pcaDC2MotorsTime(2, 108, 4, i, 3000);
We set a fixed value for the left motor (ID: 2
), and using a for
loop, we continously assigned values to the right motor (ID: 4
), and observed robot deviation after 3 seconds. We realized the robot was
getting straighter. So, we kept the value that matched the previously choosen value.
Note: Tests were performed at 13.3V
With the robot going straight, the team started performing tests on the left side of the maze. Using some of the crash videos we compiled we were able to create this crash map, representing crashing points in the videos:
Red(🟥) dots = Crash
Yellow(🟨) dots = Over Limits
During tests, I noticed that the robot would sometimes come at angle to a wall, start sliding away from it, and the robot would think it found an openning... resulting in a crash. 👇🏿
So, we addressed the problem in software, by implementing a function
responsible for maintaining the robot at a safe distance from
an obstacle (i.e. wall). I went through two iterations for this function.
The first, relied on the three ping sensors of the robot to determine its orientation 👇🏿
The idea was to carefully choose a value for the MAX_DISTANCE
argument for side ping sensor so that they both return 0
when the robot is parallel to the wall (sketch 1) OR return a value and a zero when the robot is at an angle (sketch 2 & 3). Unfortunately, this idea did not work because the side sensors returned unreliable data (wiring issues 🔌😔).
Professor Ayala suggested I used the reliable ping sensor. So, the second iteration of the function relied only on the front ping sensor. The idea was to take the difference between the current and the previous ping distances and determine whether the robot got close to the wall or not. The result was fairly satisfactory 👇🏿
I am proud of this experience because it is something I have never done before. Here are the few takeaways:
It's okay to ask for help. I understood that there is no shame in asking for help, or not knowing something. The TAs were really helpful and ready to dedicate time for my team and other teams as well. I want to personally thank Sam Timmins here for his time, and input when I was stuck.
I cannot do everything on your own. This experience taught me the importance of relying on others. Trust that they will play their part as intended, so I can play mine as well.
Plan "A" rarely works. I witnessed it. Many attempts to solve a problem worked well on paper, but never worked the first time. They did not account for wiring issues, and/or unexpected behaviors of certain components. So part of this experience helped me realize that part of being a great engineer meant making the most out of available, and reliable components...
Being patient with myself. It's okay to fail. It's part of the process. It really is. I realized that frustration occured when I refused to accept that an idea failed (because it looked "too good" on paper or in my head).
The Devil 😈 is in the detail. I understood that I needed to be more diligent about the work I produce. Professor Fontenot helped me realized that I need to be more methodical, in a sense that I must pay more attention to what goes into what I do, and how I do it... to not loose the trust of my audience. I thank him for this comment.
If I could do this over again, I would build a bigger robot to perform more tasks.
I would actively devise experiments and gather useful and reliable data on the performance on the robot on both courses of the map (the maze and the salinity side).
I would have pressured my team so we have more time for testing the robot software.