Kartifi is an open source headless e-commerce platform built with Typescript, Express and React. It is a full-stack e-commerce solution.
Clone the repository. Go to core directory. Rename the .env.sample file to .env and fill the file with your credentials.
$ cd packages/core
$ mv .env.sample .env
After filling .env, run the following commands
$ cd ../../
$ NODE_ENV=development docker-compose up
This will start the server, admin, and frontend. Go to http://localhost:5173/products to see the store and http://localhost:5174/products to access the admin panel.
To place an order, go to any product page. Slect color value "Red" and Size values "Small". Then click on "Add to Cart" button. Upon successful addition to cart, cart page will be shown. Click on 'Checkout', You will be redirected to login page. Enter the following credentials
email: [email protected]
password: 12345678
After successful login, you will be redirected to checkout page. Enter the details of Shipping address, choose shipping, enter test card details and click on 'Place Order' button. You will be redirected to order confirmation page. Test card details are as follows
Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry Date: 04/24
CVV: 242