This code is copyrighted under the MIT License.
GLIDE: Devkota, Kapil, James M. Murphy, and Lenore J. Cowen. "GLIDE: combining local methods and diffusion state embeddings to predict missing interactions in biological networks." Bioinformatics 36.Supplement_1 (2020): i464-i473.
GLIDER: Devkota, K., Schmidt, H., Werenski, M., Murphy, J.M., Erden, M., Arsenescu, V. and Cowen, L.J., 2022. GLIDER: Function Prediction from GLIDE-based Neigborhoods. Bioinformatics.
DSD: Cao, Mengfei, et al. "New directions for diffusion-based network prediction of protein function: incorporating pathways with confidence." Bioinformatics 30.12 (2014): i219-i227.
This package requires the following dependencies:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- json
- networkx
You can install the package using pip
pip install glidetools
You can also go to the glidetools repository at
and clone the latest version under the main branch
After you enter the glidetools
folder, run
python -m pip install glidetools
This can be done by using the function glidetools.algorithm.dsd:compute_dsd_embedding
def compute_dsd_embedding(A,
t = -1,
gamma = 1,
is_normalized = True)
- A: a numpy adjacency matrix (N x N)
- t: The number of random walks to get the DSD matrix. Setting
to a negative value impliest
is infinity. - gamma: Set it to 1 to get the default cDSD embedding
- is_normalized: If set to True, a normalized form of cDSD (by the steady state vector) is returned
This function returns a (N x N) cDSD embedding. Note: The output is an embedding, not a distance. To compute the cDSD distance, do the following
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist
Where, X
is the output from the compute_dsd_embedding
This can be done by using the function glidetools.algorithm.glide:glide
def glide(A,
alpha = 0.1,
beta = 1000,
delta = 1,
gamma = 1,
normalize_dsd = False,
local = "",
- A : A N x N numpy matrix
- alpha, beta, delta, gamma => glide parameters: For more information, see :
- normalize_dsd: If set to True, generates the normalized version of DSD embedding
- local: Can be either
(common weighted) orl3
You can also provide your own local and global functions for GLIDE
- localf: a custom function that takes in adjacency matrix and returns the local pairwise score
- globalf: a custom function that takes in adjacency matrix and returns the global pairwise score
If you have installed the pip package, you can the entrypoint glide_compute
to obtain both the DSD and GLIDE outputs.
usage: glide-compute [-h] [--network NETWORK] [--output OUTPUT] [-v] [--return-dsd-emb] [--return-dsd-dist] [--dsd-dist-norm {l1,l2}] [--normalized] [--reduced-dims REDUCED_DIMS] [--gamma GAMMA] [--get-glide-neighbors]
[--glide-neighbors-k GLIDE_NEIGHBORS_K] [--neighbors-return-format {dataframe,graph,map}] [--alpha ALPHA] [--beta BETA] [--delta DELTA] [--local {cw,l3}] [--normalize-local] [--weighted-local] [--scale-local]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--network NETWORK A Tab-delimited network file
--output OUTPUT The output URL. If the output is a matrix, it is always saved in a pickle format along with the name-to-index mapping dictionary
-v Verbose mode
--return-dsd-emb If set to True, only returns the DSD embedding, else returns the GLIDE matrix
--return-dsd-dist If set to True, bypasses the --return-dsd-emb command to return the pairwise distance matrix from the dsd embedding
--dsd-dist-norm {l1,l2}
Only used in conjunction with the --return-dsd-dist argument. Decides whether to use the `l1` or `l2` norm while computing distance
--normalized If set to false, returns the classic cDSD, else returns normalized cDSD embedding.
--reduced-dims REDUCED_DIMS
If set to a positive value, the output is a reduced normalized DSD with reduced dimensions given by --reduced_dims
--gamma GAMMA DSD gamma parameter
If set to true, --get_glide_neighbors returns glide neighbors instead of glide matrix
--glide-neighbors-k GLIDE_NEIGHBORS_K
If --get_glide_neighbors is set to true, the code uses --glide_neighbors to decide on the number of neighbors
--neighbors-return-format {dataframe,graph,map}
This parameter decides the output format for the GLIDE neighbors. If `dataframe` is selected, the code returns output as a panda DataFrame.If `graph` is selected, the code returns output as a networkx graph,
otherwise the output is returned as a simple dictionary {NODE: LIST[NODE]}, where LIST[NODE]is the list of neighbors for the particular node
--alpha ALPHA GLIDE alpha parameter
--beta BETA GLIDE beta parameter
--delta DELTA GLIDE delta parameter
--local {cw,l3} The local parameter for GLIDE
--normalize-local If set to False, the local measures are not normalized
--weighted-local If set to False, the adjacency matrix is converted to a unweighted form (setting every non-zero elements to 1)before applying local measures
--scale-local If set to True, scales the local measures by their max value before returning it