Python code to generate TCs for LPC/RACHuTS/FLOATS on Strateole 2
This code generates ascii telecommands (TCs) to control the LASP FLOATS/RACHuTS/LPC instruments in flight. The database of available TCs is stored in the TC_Parameters.csv file. This includes the TC name, the TC code (a uint_8t) and description of the command and some rudimentry limit checking. It is GUI based and will guide the user through selecting a TC, the required parameters for that TC, and will generate a binary TC file that can be sent throught the CCMz. The beta version includes direct sending of TCs from within the app. It requires the PySimpleGuiQt package to generate the GUI.
The generated files work with the operational system. They do not work
with the simulator, which expects the files to only contain the "binary" payload, without the START, CRC, etc. It's simple enough to create text files in an editor for use with the simulator.