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Ruby weighted random


gem install wrandom


# wsample => obj
# wsample(random: rng) => obj
# wsample(n) => new_ary
# wsample(n, random: rng) => new_ary

# wshuffle => new_ary
# wshuffle(random: rng) => new_ary

# wshuffle! => ary
# wshuffle!(random: rng) => ary

arr = [1, 2, 3]

# Choose a weighted random element from the array.
arr.wsample { |v| v * 10 }  #=> 3

# Choose n weighted random elements from the array.
arr.wsample(2) { |v| v * 10 }  #=> [3, 2]

# Choose n weighted random elements from the array.
arr.wsample(2, random: { |v| v * 10 }  #=> [3, 2]

# Returns a new array with shuffled by weight.
arr.wshuffle { |v| v * 10 }  #=> [3, 2, 1]
arr #=> [1, 2, 3]

# Shuffles elements by weight.
arr.wshuffle! { |v| v * 10 }  #=> [3, 2, 1]
arr #=> [3, 2, 1]
# [1,9].sample
Hash[ { [1,9].sample            }.group_by(&:to_i).map { |k,v| [k, (v.size.to_f / 1000)]}]
#=> {1=>50.111, 9=>49.889}

# [1,9].wsample { |v| 1 }
Hash[ { [1,9].wsample { |v| 1 } }.group_by(&:to_i).map { |k,v| [k, (v.size.to_f / 1000)]}]
#=> {1=>50.111, 9=>49.889}

# [1,9].wsample { |v| v }
Hash[ { [1,9].wsample { |v| v } }.group_by(&:to_i).map { |k,v| [k, (v.size.to_f / 1000)]}]
#=> {9=>89.887, 1=>10.113}

##License The MIT License (MIT)