In this project, I used Ktor to make a REST API for a similar web application to MyAnimeList.
The application gets its anime data from the JSON database in this GitHub repository, and stores user data in a
MySQL database, that is hosted online. I decided to only keep the first 1119 animes (around 50000 lines in the
JSON file), so it's easier to deal with.
To test the app, I recommend using Postman. I have made a Workspace to test each endpoint and function. You
can access the documentation for each request by clicking the Documentation tab on the left side.
There are 6 endpoints in total:
root: returns a welcome text
home: returns the stored animes and accepts query parameters:
- title: only returns the animes, that contain the given value in their title
- tag: only returns the animes, that contain the given value among their tags
- sortby:
- title: returns the stored animes, sorted by their title
- year: returns the stored animes, sorted by their release year
- episodes: returns the stored animes, sorted by their number of episodes
register: inserts the user data, given in the request body, into the database, if there were no errors
login: logs the user, given in the request body, if there were no errors
profile: only accessible after logging in, returns all animes, that were added to the user
- GET: return the anime with id {id}
- PUT: only accessible after logging in, adds the anime with id {id} to the user's profile, with the watch
status given in the request body
When writing the specification, I misunderstood the description of the Ktor homework, I thought I had to make
a full-stack website, so I wrote the specification in that regard. However, after starting the project, I realized the
description says to write a REST API, so I decided to follow the description instead and not make a full-stack
web app.
If the database is offline, or the Postman link does not work, please let me know.