This is a fork of the Swing based Flamingo SVG Transcoder to work with Codename One's mobile API instead of Java2D.
Not all functionality or usage is implemented, gradients just pick the start color instead and no animations are available (weren't supported in source port either). The code is relatively simple and easy to enhance if you need support for additional features.
If you are in trouble on compiling the sources to jar, you can use:
Install maven
Download and extract it in your home
Remove ~/flamingo-svg-transcoder-master/core/src/test (because the tests generate errors)
Add to ~/flamingo-svg-transcoder-master/core/pom.xml in the section:
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
In the terminal:
cd ~/flamingo-svg-transcoder-master/core/
mvn clean compile
mvn package
The resulting package is:
Simple test:
java -jar ~/flamingo-svg-transcoder-master/core/target/flamingo-svg-transcoder-core-1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The output is:
param 0 : dir, param 1 : pkg
Example of converting SVG to Java (in the directory ~/mySVGfiles there is the file "Logo.svg"):
java -jar ~/flamingo-svg-transcoder-master/core/target/flamingo-svg-transcoder-core-1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/mySVGfiles
The output is:
Processing Logo.svg