Register callbacks to be executed when the width of the viewport changes or is within user-defined constraints.
Original idea by joquitch.
var DEVICE_SMALL = 'small';
var DEVICE_LARGE = 'large';
angular.module('sample', ['angular.responsive']);
.config(['responsiveProvider', config]);
// define two devices:
// * small 0 < x <= 640
// * large 640 < x
function config(responsive) {
responsive.registerDevice(DEVICE_SMALL, 0, 640)
.registerDevice(DEVICE_LARGE, 640);
.controller('app', ['$scope', 'responsive', controller]);
function controller($scope, responsive) {
responsive.on(DEVICE_SMALL, $scope, function() {
// this callback will trigger when the size of the viewport is
// within the range of the small device.
responsive.on(DEVICE_LARGE, $scope, function() {
// this callback will trigger when the size of the viewport is
// within the range of the large device.
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