This map presents Norwegian Governmental Entities, based on the location of their (main) office.
Data is derived from the Norwegian Entity Register. Geo-coordinates have been parsed from the street address, using Google's geocoding API.
It is produced with QGIS 3.24, and the qgis2web plugin, with some post-editing of the html-, css- and js-files.
The map is currently not available from a web server, but you can run the map in html preview
You can of course also down the files in this repo and run it locally. After downloading, run 'index.html' in your browser.
All entities are represented with a point on the map. Clicking on it will display a pop-up window with the entity's: a) organisation number, b) entity name, c) organisation form code, annd d) institutional sector code.
In the future, we will implement links to our replay engine, allowing to inspect the historical websites of these institutions.