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This simulation and analysis package implements the model described in (Pinheiro Neto et al, 2019).


Lets run the model and show that a considerably subcritical network with m=0.9 (and an intrinsict timescale of ~20 ms) with a reasonable inter-electrode distance of de = 4 (corresponding to 200 micrometers in experiments) can reproduce experimental coarse-sampled results of arguably critical networks. First we build and run the model, which is written in C++ and requires the hdf5 library (for troubleshooting, read the simulation details below):

make cc
./exe/cc -o subcritical.hdf5  -m 0.9 -h 2e-4 -de 4 -T 1000000 -N 160000

This runs the subcritical dynamics for 1e6 timesteps (equivalent to ~33 min of recordings) with a population rate of 1 Hz. For practicity, the dataset generated by this simulation is available HERE.

The analysis is done in Python, and depends on the following packages: powerlaw, h5py and scipy. These can be installed with pip install powerlaw h5py scipy.

From an interactive Python session, we then run:

import sys
import analysis

This analyzes and plots the observables discussed in the paper for binsizes in the range 1-8 timesteps, corresponding to 2-16 ms. The resulting plots should look like this:

"subcritical coarse-sampled results"

Simulation details

The simulation is written in C++ and relies on the hdf5 library to write its output. Depending on your platform, this may be installed manually from above link or using a package manager. For instance, on macOS it is available via Homebrew.

brew install hdf5

while for Ubuntu it can be installed with

sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev

If installed via a package manager, the compiler should automatically find the libraries. If you get problems compiling, edit the makefile to tell the compiler where hdf5 is located (e.g. IFLAGS = -L /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial -I /usr/include/hdf5/serial). To get an idea where the libraries are located on your system try which h5cc or whereis hdf5.h.

To compile the simulation, cd into the cloned directory and


The resulting exectuable ./exe/cc takes the following arguments:

"-o"   type: string   required         // output path for results

"-T"   type: double   default: 1e5     // number of time steps
"-t"   type: double   default: 1e3     // thermalization steps before measuring
"-N"   type: integer  default: 160000  // number of neurons
"-k"   type: integer  default: 1000    // average outgoing connections per neuron
"-e"   type: integer  default: 64      // total number of electrodes
"-dn"  type: double   default: 50.     // inter-neuron (nearest-neigbour) distance
"-de"  type: double   default: 8.      // electrode dist. [unit=nearestneur-dist]
"-s"   type: integer  default: 314     // seed for the random number generator
"-m"   type: double   default: .98     // branching parameter applied locally
"-g"   type: double   default: 6.      // eff. conn-length [unit=nearestneur-dist]
"-h"   type: double   default: 4e-5    // probability for spontaneous activation
"-c"   type: double   default: 1e5     // [num time steps] before hist is written

To run the simulation:

./exe/cc -o ./dat/testrun.hdf5

Dataset analysis

The analysis package is written in Python, and depends on the following packages: h5py, scipy, powerlaw. After running a simulation and obtaining testrun.hdf5, the easiest way to analyze the results is to add ana/ to the python path, and run

import analysis

where [1,2,4,8] is the vector of binsizes (in units of timesteps) to use. That should analyze the dataset and plot the avalanche-size distribution, fitted exponent of the power-law, and estimated branching parameter. The function can take other optional parameters, described in the docstring. In order to compare different datasets dataset_A.hdf5 and dataset_B.hdf5 (with e.g. different inter-electrode distances), one can also run

import analysis
analysis.sim_plot_pS('dataset_A.hdf5',4,'both', str_leg='Dataset A')
analysis.sim_plot_pS('dataset_B.hdf5',4,'both', str_leg='Dataset B')

which plots both coarse-sampled and sub-sampled avalanche-size distributions for datasets A and B with deltaT=4 timesteps.

Batch analysis

Batch data generated by the simulation can be analyzed executing, and figures similar to the ones in the main paper can be generated using A list of the arguments can be obtained with python ana/ --help. Arguments not used in the corresponding mode (e. g. --binsize for --mode threshold) will be ignored.

The data format must end in _r[nn].hdf5 where [nn] corresponds to n realizations of the simulation, and must be ordered from 00 to n-1.

For demonstration, here we will use the following datasets:


The first step is to threshold the data:

python ana/ --mode threshold --data_dir dat --reps 3

To do the avalanche analysis on the thresholded data and save the avalanche-size distribution p(S) we can then run

python ana/ --mode save_ps --data_dir dat/ --binsize 1,2,4,8,16


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