This is a Titanium Module Wrapper of Jay Fuerstenberg's JFBCrypt which is an Objective C port of Damien Miller's jBCrypt.
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var bcrypt = require("com.emunworks.bcrypt");
The bcrypt variable is a reference to the Module object.
The module has two functions: bcrypt.generateSaltWithNumberOfRounds(rounds) which returns a salt using the number of rounds as an Int passed to it.
bcrypt.hashPassword(password, salt) which returns a bcrypt hash of the string type password and using the string type salt.
Some examples:
generateSalt = function(rounds){
var rounds = rounds || 10;
var bcrypt = require('com.emunworks.bcrypt');
var salt = bcrypt.generateSaltWithNumberOfRounds(rounds);
return salt;
hashPassword = function(password){
var bcrypt = require('com.emunworks.bcrypt');
var hash = bcrypt.hashPassword(password, generateSalt(10));
return hash;
verifyPassword = function(password, hash){
var bcrypt = require('com.emunworks.bcrypt');
var newHash = bcrypt.hashPassword(password, hash);
var result = (newHash == hash);
return result;
Joe Moretti
Apache License, Version 2.0