This is the server-side code of the PlantLyfe Plant Watering Scheduler. The client-side code can be found here.
- Node.js. JavaScript runtime.
- Express.js. Server middleware, routing, etc.
- MongoDB / Mongoose. Database management.
- Heroku*. Hosting.
*Note that Heroku's load times can be slow when loaded for the first time. Thank you for your patience.
- We do not water our plants on a weekend. Work-life balance is important, and we shouldn't be in the office on a weekend.
- Our plants are reasonably tolerant and will still be happy if they are watered a day before or after the day they should be watered.
- Watering an individual plant takes no time at all so you don't have to worry about how many plants can be watered in a particular day.
- The scheduling should start from next Monday and last for 12 weeks.
- All plants will be watered on the first day of the schedule (next Monday).
- We recognize that when to water a plant is heavily dependent on other factors such as soil, weather, humidity, etc. You can assume that we know exactly when to water these specific plants.
- You have been provided a JSON file which contains data for our plants.
- The user can view which plant(s) to water on which date(s).
- The schedule covers the next 12 weeks starting next Monday.
- No plants are watered on Saturdays or Sundays.
- Each plant is watered on its desired schedule or as close as possible, taking into account weekends.