- Merge staging to master (golang update + adding herver to secrets) (#121) @dduportal
- [updatecli] Bump golang version to 1.17.3 (#120) @github-actions
- feat(sops) allow hlemeur to decrypt ca secret (#118) @dduportal
- Merge staging to master (#117) @dduportal
- Update CRL for the period Nov 2021 -> May 2022 (#116) @dduportal
- chore(doc): improve doc (#115) @lemeurherve
- Merge staging to master (add hlemeur) (#114) @dduportal
- chore(docs) improve README for admin (#113) @dduportal
- [infra-admin]INFRA-3095 - Submit certificate request for hlemeur (#111) @lemeurherve
- chore(doc): add clarifying links in the "HowTo get client access" section (#112) @lemeurherve
- 2021-05-10: Deploy to Production (#108) @dduportal
- Fix: update CRL for 2021 (#107) @dduportal
- Grant Damien Duportal access to vpn ca.key (#106) @olblak
- chore: add labels to docker image (#105) @garethjevans
- Deploy to production (#103) @olblak
- Improve CA management (#104) @dduportal
- INFRA-2893 - Feat: remove the custom CA to rely on the ca-certificate bundle (#102) @dduportal
- Merge staging to master with dduportal as user (#101) @MarkEWaite
- Add dduportal as a VPN user (#100) @MarkEWaite
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for dduportal (#98) @dduportal
- Grant ca.key key access to markewaite and timja (#99) @olblak
- Deploy to production (#97) @olblak
- Renew certificate revocation list (#95) @olblak
- Enable release-drafter on jenkins-infra/openvpn (#96) @olblak
- Deploy to master (#94) @olblak
- chore: add some dns helper options to the connect instructions (#93) @garethjevans
- Deploy to production (#92) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for garethjevans (#91) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for garethjevans (#90) @garethjevans
- Add vsliverman certificate (#89) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for vsilverman (#88) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for vsilverman (#87) @vsilverman
- Deploy to production (#86) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Reset jvz certificate (#85) @olblak
- Deploy jvz rotated certificate to production (#83) @olblak
- Rotate jvz certificate (#82) @olblak
- Deploy to production (#80) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for jequals5 (#79) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for jequals5 (#78) @markyjackson-taulia
- Add markewaite certificate (#77) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for markewaite (#76) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for markewaite (#75) @MarkEWaite
- Add halkeye key (#74) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for halkeye (#73) @olblak
- Gavin/halkeye's vpn access (#72) @halkeye
- Merge staging to master (#71) @olblak
- [infra-admin][infra-2358] Sign certificate request for timja (#70) @olblak
- INFRA-2358 - timja vpn (#68) @timja
- Upgrade go to 1.13 and convert to go modules (#69) @timja
- Submit certificate request for olivergondza (#66) @olblak
- Sign new olivergondza certificate key (#65) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for olivergondza (#64) @olivergondza
- Add vpn access test instruction (#63) @olblak
- Add a signing key for oleg_nenashev, once again (#62) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for oleg_nenashev (#61) @olblak
- Add a signing key for oleg_nenashev, once again (#60) @oleg-nenashev
- Revoke Oleg key and add ogondza (#59) @olblak
- Revoke oleg-nenashev certificate and sign oliverogondza (#58) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for olivergondza (#57) @olivergondza
- Add oleg network configuration + various improvement (#56) @olblak
- Fix OpenVPN makefile so that it properly works on Windows (#51) @oleg-nenashev
- This PR introduce several changes (#55) @olblak
- Submit certificate request for oleg_nenashev (#53) @oleg-nenashev
- Staging (#50) @olblak
- INFRA-2320 - Sign Aheritier public key (#49) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for aheritier (#48) @aheritier
- Staging (#47) @olblak
- INFRA-2301 - Renew crl certificate (#46) @olblak
- INFRA-2238 - Submit certificate request for slide_o_mix (#45) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for slide_o_mix (#44) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for slide_o_mix (#43) @slide
- Require docker&&linux (#42) @slide
- Staging (#41) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign mpapo certificate request (#40) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for mpapo (#39) @mpailloncy
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for jvz (#37) @olblak
- Add forgotten jvz certificate request (#38) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Revoke jvz certificate (#36) @olblak
- Staging (#34) @olblak
- VPN certificate signing request (#32) @jvz
- Add Windows multiple OpenVPN connections (#33) @Wadeck
- Add wfollonier certificate (#31) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for wfollonier (#30) @olblak
- Submit certificate request for wfollonier (#29) @Wadeck
- Fix server option from ccd_exclusive to -ccd-exclusive (#27) @olblak
- Configure dockerhub credentials in order to publish images (#26) @olblak
- Fix docker push credentials (#25) @olblak
- Don't default gateway, custom dns server and set ccd_exclusive (#23) @olblak
- Don't default gateway, custom dns server and set ccd_exclusive (#22) @olblak
- Sign jthompson certificate (#21) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Sign certificate request for jthompson (#20) @olblak
- Request vpn access for jthompson (#19) @jeffret-b
- Staging (#18) @olblak
- Improve Jenkinsfile (#17) @olblak
- Jenkinsfile: Fix publish step (#16) @olblak
- Staging (#15) @olblak
- Revert "[infra-admin] Submit certificate request for olblak-test" (#14) @olblak
- Merge changes back to staging (#13) @olblak
- Update easyvpn verbosity (#12) @olblak
- Add missing comma in Jenkinsfile (#11) @olblak
- Convert Jenkinsfile to declarative and add additionnel tests (#10) @olblak
- Sign daniel request (#9) @olblak
- [infra-admin] Submit certificate request for danielbeck (#8) @daniel-beck
- Build easyvpn binary depending on the OS (#7) @olblak
- Update vpn client documentation (#6) @olblak
- Update doc (#5) @olblak
- update client configuration instruction (#4) @olblak
- Use one vpn network for everybody with different permission depending on the profile (#3) @olblak
- Update vpn server configuration (#2) @olblak
- Configure pushed route and ldap client ca certification (#1) @olblak
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump go.mozilla.org/sops/v3 from 3.5.0 to 3.7.1 in /utils/easyvpn (#109) @dependabot