A new Flutter package for using alpha vantage api.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.
For help on editing package code, view the documentation.
Add the following import statement where you need to use this package libraries: import 'package:flutter_alpha_vantage_package/flutter_alpha_vantage_package.dart';
There are four libraries to use to call Alpha Vantage rest api: TimeSeries.dart, SectorPerformances.dart, ForeignExchange.dart, CryptoCurrencies.dart, and TechnicalIndicators.dart.
import 'package:flutter_alpha_vantage_package/flutter_alpha_vantage_package.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() async {
test('Intraday', () async {
final timeSeries = new TimeSeries("YourAlphaVantageAPIKey");
JSONObject json = await timeSeries.getIntraday("MSFT");
// Use get method to search entire json for key for stock
expect(json.get("2. Symbol"), "MSFT");
// Use map to find stock symbol
expect(json.getJSONMap()["Meta Data"]["2. Symbol"], "MSFT");
test('Intraday', () async {
final technicalIndicator = new TechnicalIndicators("YourAlphaVantageAPIKey");
JSONObject json = await technicalIndicator.getSMA("MSFT");
// Use get method to search entire json for key for stock
expect(json.get("1: Symbol"), "MSFT");
// Use map to find stock symbol
expect(json.getJSONMap()["Meta Data"]["1: Symbol"], "MSFT");