Adobe Native Extension (ANE) for Fortumo (Android)
- Download and install Java 6 (Java 7 will cause signing issues!)
- Download and install Android SDK from
- Open the SDK manager and install 'Tools' and 'Android 4.0.3 (API 15)' or later
- Download and install FlashDevelop from
- Download and unzip ant from and add ant to your search path
- (optional) Download and install Eclipse from
- (optional) Download Eclipse Android integration as specified here
- Edit ane\ and update paths
- In the ane folder run 'ant'
- Open demo\demo.as3proj in FlashDevelop
- Press F5 to run the application
Project / New Project ... / AIR Mobile AS3 App
Follow instructions in AIR_Android/iOS_readme.txt
In application.xml change / add the contents of to:
<application> <!-- Activities --> <activity android:name="" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/> <activity android:name="" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/> <!-- Service --> <service android:name="" /> </application>
In application.xml add before :
com.fortumo.extension -
In Packager.bat change:
call adt -package -target %TYPE%%TARGET% %OPTIONS% %SIGNING_OPTIONS% "%OUTPUT%" "%APP_XML%" %FILE_OR_DIR%
call adt -package -target %TYPE%%TARGET% %OPTIONS% %SIGNING_OPTIONS% "%OUTPUT%" "%APP_XML%" %FILE_OR_DIR% -extdir ext
In Run.bat replace:
adl -screensize %SCREEN_SIZE% "%APP_XML%" "%APP_DIR%"
rmdir /q /s ext_unpacked mkdir ext_unpacked\FortumoExtension.ane unzip -q ext\FortumoExtension.ane -d ext_unpacked\FortumoExtension.ane adl -screensize %SCREEN_SIZE% "%APP_XML%" "%APP_DIR%" -extdir ext_unpacked
In SetupSDK.bat add the variable JAVA_SDK
Add to Packager.bat:
if "%PLATFORM%" NEQ "android" goto skip-fortumo-res call AddFortumoRes.bat if errorlevel 1 goto failed :skip-fortumo-res
Make sure the path to FortumoInApp-android-7.3.461.jar is correct in AddFortumoRes.bat
Add folder 'ext' and copy FortunoExtension.ane to it
Right click FortunoExtension.ane and select 'Add To Library' Right click FortunoExtension.ane and select 'Options...' and select 'External Library (not included)'
Edited demo\src\com\fortumo\demo\, main payment code is:
var f: Fortumo = new Fortumo(); f.setService("", ""); f.setConsumable(false); f.setDisplayString("This is a test purchase"); f.setProductName("TestProduct"); f.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusUpdate); f.makePayment();
Make sure you don't call NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit() in your deactivation handler (activating the Fortumo screen calls this handler)
Make sure you're running Java 6 and not Java 7 (this will cause signing errors!)