Andreas Jakobsche
- Stuttgart, Germany
- https://patreon.com/raspberrypirad
karina Public
Small editor for UTF-8 files, multilingual, multiplatform
rtlpatch Public
Lazarus Package with perhaps useful extensions being missed in the RTL
fpe Public
Einfacher Editor, nützlich z.B. auf dem Mac, wenn man nicht mit Lazarus oder Xcode arbeiten will
blood Public
Lazarus application project with a TChart component and a plugged in TChartToolset component and configured tools to visualize and explore blood data in a chart
dbve Public
Betrachter und Editor für dBase-Tabellen
todo Public
Simple To Do List Manager using standard components and the package streams, perhaps interesting for beginners and as a binary component streaming example
dwg2d Public
Cross platform vector graphic components
mofu Public
Move furniture with this tool, when it will be ready (may be, it will be a CAD app made with the best and most rapid application development tool)
dv Public
DICOM image viewer, open an image file from a DICOM CD with Datei | Öffnen, uses ImageMagick
randtest Public
Test der Random-Funktion mit grafischer Ausgabe
Pascal MIT License UpdatedMay 20, 2020 -
classchart Public
display the inheritance overview of selected classes
lclpatch Public
Code to extend the Lazarus Component Library with some useful functions
world Public
Model of the whole world (the universe) in classes and objects
streams Public
Simplified streaming of components
hmi Public
Control template to make HMI controls with drawn and adaptive graphics on them
HTML MIT License UpdatedFeb 28, 2020 -
newton Public
Newton Method as Lazarus component
pctest Public
Public Domain-Anwendung, um RS232-Schnittstellen und Kabel zu testen. Auf realen DOS-PC (i386 oder kompatibel mit DOS) untersucht es die Hardware. In DOSBox macht es dasgleiche mit dem virtuellen S…
1 UpdatedDec 23, 2019 -
Text Editor (ASCII) als Beispiel für die Verwendung von Turbo Vision 2.0 und zur Nutzung unter DOS
Borland Pascal Units
polynomial Public
Explanation and example, how to use shared libraries in different languages
fsview Public
Lazarus component to view and edit a file system
nick Public
Visual Components for the Lazarus component palette, dedicated to Nick Reinders on his 1st birthday
ball Public
Altes Delphi-Übungsprojekt nach Lazarus konvertiert: Bewegte Vektorgrafik
equalizer Public
Analog 8 band audio equalizer design
raspi Public
Lazarus Package to use in Lazarus or in applications being created with Lazarus for Raspberry Pi. Some components support Rapid Application Development of GUI apps that also work over a secure Inte…