Goonstation SS13 Telescience Map
This is a map designed for doing telescience on SS13, specifically on the Goonstation servers.
Space Station 13 is a unique multiplayer game, built by its own community for 10+ years. Over time, it has managed to attract thousands of players, and offer an experience no other game can.
A typical space station round will start with the promise of a good time, and end in hilarious chaos, all before being reset to try again.
- Install Byond
- Select your favorite Space Station 13 server
- Ask questions in game -- it is notiriously complicated to learn, due simply to the fact that over the years tons of content has been generated. People will usually be glad to help you.
This is an out of game helper app for one specific aspect of the game. Scientist players have access to a "Telescience" machine, which if calibrated correctly, can send or receive any item, player, bomb, beaker of acid, or hideous alien anywhere they choose.
Every round, a new set of X and Y modifiers and divisors are added to obfuscate the "true coordinates" for the game grid in the telescience computer. A set of algebraic equations can be used to solve these, which my website will handily do for you.
Simply send one GPS through to any set of working coordinates, record where it actually went in the relevant table, then send another GPS to a set of coordinates exactly n+1. I.E, send one at 50X, 100Y, then another at 51X, 101Y.
A relatively complicated state controls the scale and offset numbers, which are applied to the translate CSS for the container of all of the images depending on what the user does - scroll, zoom, re-center, et cetera.
This is an example of some of the math needed.
// This is used to place each tile selector over the image container just as if it had the 300/300 grid the game does.
function tileMath(x, y) {
return [1 + (x - (x % 32)) / 32, 300 - (y - (y % 32)) / 32];
// This is used to position each tile selector correctly, this is the CSS value applied to its absolute position.
function tilePosition(x, y) {
if (!y && typeof x === 'object') [x, y] = x;
return {
left: (x - 1) * 32 * scale + tf.pos[0],
top: -(y - 300) * 32 * scale + tf.pos[1],
// This is used to find the absolute pixel value of where a user clicked. The positioning of the image needs to be
// subtracted from the X and Y value of a users click, and the scale needs to be removed to find this value.
function imgCoords(x, y, funcScale = scale, pos = tf.pos) {
return [x - pos[0], y - pos[1]].map(i => i / funcScale);
Travis-CI for their excellent continuous deployment services.
Material UI for their set of higher level react components and pretty CSS like the dark theme, typography, etc.
- for supplying the pngs for these maps.
Code repository => hosted on Github
Live webpage => hosted on Github Pages