Releases: itisrazza/SuperSize
Pre-alpha 4 - New Plugin API
This release includes the new Plugin API, which simplifies it and replaces the object-based settings model with a key-value one.
- New Plugin API
- Renamed the Plugin SDK to
- Project is now licensed to Apache 2.0 (SuperSize) and MIT (SuperSize Plugin SDK and CoreLogic)
Keep an eye on the Python plugin until the next release.
Pre-Alpha 2 - Plugin API
This release marks the introduction of plugins in place of the Python scripting available in the previous demo. Some features have yet to be implemented.
The installer has batteries (SuperSize.CoreLogic) included, but the portable releases need to download and install it (available below).
You can now create your own SuperSize plugins. See the plugin docs: Python scripting will be reintroduced as an optionally installable plugin (SuperSize.PythonLogic) at a later date.
Pre-Alpha 1 - Initial Demo
Welcome to the first "consumer-ready" build of SuperSize. This is still work in progress, but it's gotten to the point where I'll only fix issues coming up.
The installer will install SuperSize and .NET on your computer. The portable versions have .NET built-in so you don't have to install it.
This release includes an easter egg on the about page if you're fortunate enough. If the settings file corrupts for any reason, it can be reset by double-clicking the program icon on the About page.
make paths relative
only release when tagged
add token to the release action
add token to the release action
showcase version
a prerelease demo version with only one preset working