The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) Links der Isar
Botomatic is a web application framework designed to help build chatbots for Messenger Platform. Before reading this guide it is recommended to read the official documentation of Messenger Platform for a better understanding of chatbots development.
Depending on your development environment it is recommended to use either Laravel Valet on Mac or Laravel Homestead on other systems
This guide contains only the essentials to get you started fast, for a comprehensive understandig and advanced topics please read the official docs.
- Installation and configuration
- Test locally
- Basics
- States
- Message Handler
- Response Handler
- Templates
- Default Bot
- Register with Facebook
1.1 Clone the repository
git clone Botomatic
1.2 Environment configuration
- Move
- Make sure BOTOMATIC_FACEBOOK_DEBUG is set to true
- Set BOTOMATIC_FACEBOOK_TEST_URL to your project's url
- Setup any needed env. variables like database connection
1.3 Install Botomatic
- Install the framework with dependencies:
composer install
- Generate an application key:
php artisan key:generate
To test the bot locally, you have to use the CLI Bot. Keep in mind it's very limited and made to be used only for development purposes
artisan bf:cli
You should see "Starting CLI Bot...:"
Type hi
It should respond with "Hello Test Test"
3.1 Folder structure
All Bot related files are in app/Bot/Facebook
except for the configuration file which is located under config/botomatic/facebook.php
3.2 States
Botomatic structures the conversation in states. A state receives the message from the user and either responds or moves to another state.
Each state will have an additional 2 objects: Handlers/Message
and Handlers/Reponses
used to structure the code more efficiently, a simple process will look like this:
if ($this->message->saysHi())
return $this->response->responseDefault();
Any domain logic can be stored here but it is recommended to use a sepparate file to keep the code more readable.
The flow of the bot is controlled by the response, this returns \Botomatic\Engine\Facebook\Abstracts\States\Response\Handler
3.3 Templates
Messenger Platform supports different Templates like buttons, tiles, lists etc.
Templates are stored in app/Bot/Facebook/Templates/*Type*
, to send them as a response you simply "attach" them
to the response object:
return $this->response
->addQuickReplies(new \App\Bot\Facebook\Templates\QuickReplies\General\Options())
More infromation on how to generate templates and their usage under Response and Templates.
There are 4 types of States: Listener, Workflow, Fallback, Filters, and Background.
You can easily generate a state using this commands:
artisan bf:state {namespace} {name}
artisan bf:filter {namespace} {name}
Where namespace is the folder within the category, for example the default bot has all it's state's in Test folder.
A state contains by default the following folders and files:
- StateName
- Handlers
- Message.php
- Responses.php
- StateName.php
4.1 Listener
This is the default State that handles the start of the conversation. There can only be 1 Listener.
4.2 Workflow
Most of the conversation is handle by this type of State, the routing or "mapping" of them is defined in app/Bot/Facebook/Routes/Workflow.php
By default, the status of a State is "active", whenever it is changed, based on the mapping defined it moves to the next state.
4.3 Fallback
Whenever the conversation fails by whatever reason the Fallback State is called. There can only be 1 Fallback State.
4.4 Filters
Simple States through which the incoming message passes through, they can stop the flow and respond with a message or "move" to another Workflow state regardless of the current "active state".
There are 2 types of filters:
- Regular filters through which all messages go
- Postback filters that only capture messages that contain a Postback
Postbacks are sent when a user clicks on a button within a template with the exception of Quick Replies which are sent as regular messages!
Filters are mapped in app/Bot/Facebook/Routes/Filters.php
and app/Bot/Facebook/Routes/Postbacks.php
. The order in the array is the same order in which the message will go through.
4.5 Background
Background states are used to push a message to user(s) outside the context of a conversation, it can be a regular message or "jump" to a workflow state.
The message handler is a simple object that extend \Botomatic\Engine\Facebook\Abstracts\States\Message\Handler
This object contains the message (text, image, postback etc) received from the user. The following methods are available:
Check if it's a text message
Get the text message
Get the text quick reply (payload) if available
Check if it's a Postback
Get the postback
Check for attachments
Get attachments
Check for location
Get location
The response handler contains "responses" defined as methods, it always returns \Botomatic\Engine\Facebook\Entities\Response
. This is the object States use to respond to the user. The object moves from state to state until it's returned to the user and any state can add or remove from it.
Response example:
public function responseDefault() : \Botomatic\Engine\Facebook\Entities\Response
return $this->response->addMessage('Hi there')
Available methods:
Add a message
addMessage(string $message)
You can add as many messages as you like (keep in mind Facebook's limitations), they will be sent in the same order they are called.
Add Image (url)
addImage(string $image)
Ask for location
askForLocation($title = 'Please share your location:')
Stop the flow and respond to the user
Delay the message
delay($seconds = 1)
You can add several delays, the data is sent to facebook in the same order it's being defined.
Practical example:
return $this->response->addMessage('Hi there')
->addMessage('Second message, sent after 5s')
Add a quick reply
addQuickReplies(new \App\Bot\Facebook\Templates\QuickReplies\General\Options())
Botomatic supports all Templates available for Messenger Platform.
For examples, check default bot.
Generate new Quick Reply
artisan bf:qr {namespace} {name}
Generate Generic Template
artisan bf:gt {namespace} {name}
Generate Button Template
artisan bf:bt {namespace} {name}
For practical examples on how a Bot is structured and various functionalities check the default bot located in app/Bot/Facebook
To play around, you can use the CLI Bot (artisan bf:cli
Buttons in CLI Bot
Whenever the bot responds with a template, it will be displayed like this:
Quick Replies: [Templates] [Conversation]
To "press" one of the buttons simply type the button name. e.g. Templates
Chatbots for Messenger Platform are Apps that are connected to specific Facebook pages.
1. Create Facebook App
Go to Facebook Apps and create a new one. From the Products selection choose Messenger
2. Setup Webhook
The webhook is the URL where Facebook will send messages from users, for development purposes it is recommeded you use services like ngrok to publicly share a local url. If you use Laravel Valet it's very easy, simply run valet share
Follow these steps to register your bot:
- set "BOTOMATIC_FACEBOOK_CONFIRMATION" to true in .env file
- click on Setup Webhooks from the App's settings and add this url:
- inside "Verify Token" type "botomatic"
- from "Subscription Fields" select "messages" and "messaging_postbacks"
- click "Verify and Save"
Next, you need a Facebook page where the bot will be accesibly from, under "Token Generation" select the Facebook page you want to link your bot; a "Page Access Token" is now generated.
Next we need to tell botomatic to what pages it responds, go to and under pages we store all pages that the bot has access to, grab the Facebook Page ID (you find this on Page's about section) and add it to the array with the access token
'pages' => [
'page-id' => "Page Access Token"
Finally, we need to subscribe the Webhook to this page, under Webhooks select the proper Facebook Page.
Now go to Facebook page and send a message.