- [closed] Getting PHP Notices with WordPress Default widget #2468
- [closed] PHP Warning #2466
- [bug] Donation total not respect to the number of decimal #2461
- [bug] Donor name overwrite when update payment #2460
- [bug] Multi-level donation default option selected for all Level #2455
- [UI / UX] Multi-level and Set amounts as $1.00 default value causes bad UX #2454
- [bug] Getting fetal error when activating the Give Plugin 2.0 #2446
- [bug] Clicking on Save Changes button under Settings should not trigger popup #2440
- [feature request] Add 'Times New Roman' font in TCPDF lib for support in PDF Receipt Add-on #2438
- [closed] Naming conversion issue in Give Donation list page of dashboard #2437
- [bug] Improve get_payment_by_group fn #2432
- [bug][has pr] JS Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: update_multiselect_vals is not defined in 1.8.17 #2428
- [enhancement] IMPORTER: Investigate ways to increase speed of the Importer #2427
- [bug][has pr] Poupup in not opening for Modal and Button display type #2425
- [bug][has pr] Licenses not being deleted after deactivating #2418
- [bug][has pr] Typo in Documentation link on Welcome page #2416
- [bug]
Change Donor
chosen list hidden while open on donation detail page #2412 - [bug][has pr] Unable to create user when create an account checkbox is checked #2408
- [enhancement][has pr] Use correct function to get the minimum donation amount. #2403
- [closed] Goal Amount Placeholder and field should be 1.00, not 0 #2402
- [code improvement][has pr] Donation statuses not following sort applies on donation listing page. #2400
- [code improvement][has pr] [give_delete_donation] Check before deleting any payment for quick exit #2393
- [code improvement][has pr][urgent] [1.8.17] Give_Donors_Query related notices #2391
- [invalid] Translation banner typo #2389
- [code improvement][has pr] Passing form currency when formatting large goal amount. #2386
- [bug][code improvement][has pr] Resolve dashboard timeouts due to inefficient stats query for sites with many donations. #2383
- [code improvement][unit test] Disable XDebug to speed up Travis builds #2381
- [bug][UI / UX] Change Donor option not showing all donors in donation detail page in back-end. #2378
- [bug][has pr] PHP Notice when changing the donation form title on the donation details page. #2377
- [enhancement][has pr][UI / UX] Consider showing goal without decimal places #2372
- [bug] Search functionally in donor dashboard is not working #2371
- [bug][has pr][UI / UX] Chosen field alignment issue on multiple places #2370
- [needs docs][UI / UX] Prevent duplicate hierarchy from displaying #2369
- [bug][has pr] Give Core 2.0 Issues updating the Database #2366
- [closed] Reports Income Not Working Properly after DB update in 2.0 #2365
- [bug][has pr] [Donor Profile Page] State field is not work as in other address form field #2363
- [invalid] Update _give_payment_form_title if donation form title updates #2359
- [bug][urgent] Give 1.8.17 issue with upgrade routine #2356
- [bug][has pr] Donate Now button is not preventing click events after clicking on it. #2351
- [bug][has pr] Give error when entering the same value for set donation and minimum donation amount #2348
- [closed] Notice displayed on donation for with Give 2.0 #2344
- [code improvement] Set default donor country to base country #2343
- [bug][has pr][urgent] Floating labels don't work in modal or button display mode #2341
- [bug][has pr][needs unit test] Goal achieved message is not getting display #2337
- [bug] Not able to set offline payment as my default option in donation form #2336
- [bug] Right to left supported currency formatting issue #2332
- [code improvement][has pr] Enable/Disable category and tag immediately after core setting updates. #2328
- [code improvement] Add new filter for give_get_earnings_by_date() function. #2324
- [closed] Give PDF Receipt - Create an End Of Year Report with Donation Details #2321
- [bug] Recalculate income amount and donation counts for all forms not working #2319
- [enhancement] Add filter when getting payment amount #2317
- [enhancement][has pr] Add helper function to get total donation amount of donor #2315
- [enhancement][has pr] Add filter to Give_Payment_Stats:get_earnings #2314
- [bug][has pr] User chosen dropdown is not visible on donor edit screen #2312
- [enhancement][has pr] Add $form_id support to give_currency_filter #2311
- [enhancement][has pr] Create WordPress environment section in Github issue and PR template #2310
- [bug][has pr][urgent] Issue with new getPriceID when levels share the same price #2305
- [bug][has pr][needs docs][urgent] Problem with email access due to complication with #1790 #2304
- [UI / UX] Data Tool: Reset the dropdown properly on Recalculate Income Amount and Donation Count for a form #2301
- [closed] Data Tool: Recalculation Income Amount and Donation Counts of all forms flushes all the sales and earnings #2300
- [bug][has pr][needs docs][UI / UX] Text Change in Donations Tools Submenu #2299
- [bug][has pr] Show 0 amount in goal. #2296
- [closed] [Recurring Donations] PayPal Pro Gateway (NVP API) - Request Body Bug #2293
- [bug][has pr] If more than one form is embedded on the page using radio multi-level amounts it causes jumping #2292
- [bug][has pr] Run flush_rewrite_rules after editing category/tag settings in display options #2291
- [has pr][needs docs][UI / UX] Multi-level should be the new default donation form type when adding new #2281
- [bug][has pr] Unable to change donation level within donation details edit screen #2280
- [invalid] WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name 'transaction_id'] #2279
- [feature request][has pr][needs docs][needs unit test] Adding additional currency support and use chosen dropdown to select/search currency list #2275
- [duplicate] Wrong input type field #2269
- [bug] Licensing for individual addons that were upgraded are reflecting their original subscriptions, not the upgraded ones #2268
- [question] Question: Convert WP_List_Table to Give_List_Table to improve flexibility #2266
- [question] Donation History Admin Page should follow default WP List Structure #2265
- [UI / UX] Link missing in All Donation Page when there is no donation #2263
- [enhancement][has pr] Allows to sanitize amount based on currency #2258
- [invalid] Issue with give_mark_abandoned_donations() not marking abandoned #2251
- [UI / UX] Make the error message more helpful on the importer. #2249
- [bug][UI / UX] No Success Message for Bulk Actions under Donation History List in Admin #2243
- [bug][conflict][escalated][UI / UX] Inputs don't focus the cursor correctly on iPhone #2239
- [bug][has pr][needs docs] Recalculate Income Amount and Donation Counts for All Forms tool is not working as intended #2235
- [invalid] Give Importer: Error Message if Donor Email has not been submitted #2227
- [bug][has pr][needs docs][UI / UX] Address Fieldset: "State/Province/County" should not go before "City" #2226
- [code improvement] Create currency-functions.php to keep all currency related helper functions together #2220
- [Epic] Add support for dynamic currency #2197
- [bug][has pr][UI / UX] Responsive settings tabs in Dashboard Color issues #2189
- [enhancement][has pr][UI / UX] Add inline notice support to Give_Notices #2180
- [code improvement][has pr] Fix currency code for "Iranian rial" #2175
- [has pr][needs docs][UI / UX] Better handling of custom amount text sent to PayPal #2161
- [has pr][needs docs][UI / UX] Reports: Headings and Text Modifications #2144
- [bug][UI / UX] Settings Tabs needs UI/UX improvement for smaller devices #2139
- [code improvement] Use last_changed meta data for query performance for custom tables #2121
- [code improvement][enhancement][feature request][has pr][needs docs] User Roles and Capabilities need to be cleaned up a bit #2112
- [enhancement][needs docs] Bulk Actions for Donors #2086
- [bug] Give Importer: Delete Imported Donations doesn't Delete Users created during import #2062
- [enhancement][has pr][needs docs][security][UI / UX] Enforcing email access on donation history to prevent easy access through a small donation #2023
- [enhancement][feature request][has pr][needs docs] Create setting import/export tool #2009
- [code improvement][has pr] Add donor id support to email tags #1992
- [has pr][UI / UX] Allow admin to update donor name properly #1715
- [code improvement][enhancement] Modal close button gets hidden with some themes #1709
- [UI / UX] Logged in donations always default to the First Name/Last Name and email of that existing Give Donor. #1625
- [UI / UX] Research JS Graphs for Reports Refactor #1524
- [question] donors as Give_Customer or WP_User? #1296
- [bug] Lockdown sensitive data throughout plugin for give_worker role #1223
- [enhancement][has pr] Allow admins to collect donor's address #370