This repository contains the following:
- Input files to run the overlapping Schwarz alternating method for multiscale coupling in dynamic solid mechanics in Albany-LCM
- A 1D MATLAB code that implements the overlapping Schwarz alternating method for multiscale coupling in dynamic solid mechanics on a linear elastic wave propagation problem
- A 1D MATLAB code that utilizes the non-overlapping Schwarz alternating method to simulate the dynamic contact of two linear elastic bars.
The files contained in this repository within the "Coupling" directory supplement the following manuscript: A. Mota, I. Tezaur, G. Phlipot, "The Schwarz alternating method for dynamic solid mechanics", submitted to Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. The input files stored here have been tested to work with the following version of Trilinos, Albany-LCM and DTK:
- Trilinos ( 7bc3b9f7fee156407cdb17b4e59b26f2c3ec9abb
- Albany-LCM ( fb72244e4c250a720735a2cc08629f9813a9552c
- DTK ( d9a5ccb81f404786a05d40b901c68877a17e356f
All test cases are designed to run with the AlbanyT executable. For the test cases where .g mesh files are not provided, these can be generated by running CUBIT with the .jou files contained within the relevant subdirectory.
Build scripts for Trilinos and Albany on a RHEL7 machine with an intel compiler are found in the Coupling/Dynamic/Albany/BuildScripts directory.
Contained also within this repository is a 1D MATLAB code that implements the Clamped (linear elastic wave propagation) problem. This implementation allows one to run the Schwarz alternating method using different time-steps in different subdomains.
The files contained in this repository within the "Contact" directory supplement the following manuscript: A. Mota, I. Tezaur, J. Hoy, "The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale contact mechanics", submitted to Math. Comput. Appl. Specifically, we have created a 1D MATLAB code that implements the Schwarz alternating method on a canonical test case involving the impact of two linear elastic bars. The code implements also the implicit and explicit penalty method, and the explicit forward increment Lagrange multiplier method. The test case is from the following paper: Carpenter, N.J.; Taylor, R.L.; Katona, M.G. Lagrange constraints for transient finite element surface contact. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1991, 32, 103–128.