An Elixir wrapper for Discord. Based on nostrum and alchemy.
Please refer to the documentation for more information on the library.
One should simply include coxir as a dependency as follows.
defp deps do
[{:coxir, git: ""}]
Before setting up a consumer, coxir must be configured as follows.
config :coxir,
token: "",
shards: 1, # optional
ffmpeg: "" # optional
In order to process incoming events, a consumer should be set up as follows.
defmodule Consumer do
use Coxir
def handle_event({:MESSAGE_CREATE, message}, state) do
case message.content do
"ping!" ->
Message.reply(message, "pong!")
_ ->
{:ok, state}
def handle_event(_event, state) do
{:ok, state}
Once all the above is done, the application may be configured in any desired fashion so that a consumer process is started.
defmodule Example do
use Application
use Supervisor
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
worker(Consumer, [])
options = [
strategy: :one_for_one,
name: __MODULE__
Supervisor.start_link(children, options)
A common approach to which would be the above, of course after configuring the module as a callback.