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Add Pandoc mode
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madman-bob committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent 7282c4c commit 845f78d
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Showing 9 changed files with 530 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CONTRIBUTORS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Ohad Kammar
Guillaume Allais
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
Robert Wright
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ project:build/exec/katla
build/exec/katla: .PHONY
idris2 --build katla.ipkg

install: build/exec/katla
build/exec/katla-pandoc: .PHONY
idris2 --build katla-pandoc.ipkg

install: build/exec/katla build/exec/katla-pandoc
idris2 --install katla.ipkg
idris2 --install katla-pandoc.ipkg
cp -R build/exec/* ~/.idris2/bin/

test: .PHONY
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions katla-pandoc.ipkg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package katla-pandoc

authors = "Robert Wright"

depends = contrib

= Katla.Pandoc

main = Katla.Pandoc

executable = katla-pandoc
sourcedir = "src"
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions src/Katla/Pandoc.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
module Katla.Pandoc

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.SortedMap
import Data.SortedSet
import Data.String

import Language.JSON
import System
import System.Directory
import System.Random

%default total

updateJSON : String -> (JSON -> JSON) -> JSON -> JSON
updateJSON key f json = update (\case Nothing => Just (f JNull); Just x => Just (f x)) key json

findAttr : (key : String) ->
(default_ : String) ->
List JSON ->
findAttr key default_ [] = default_
findAttr key default_ (JArray [JString k, JString v] :: attrs) =
if k == key
then v
else findAttr key default_ attrs
findAttr key default_ (_ :: attrs) = findAttr key default_ attrs

findPackages : JSON -> List String
findPackages doc = do
let Just (JArray packages) = lookup "meta" doc >>= lookup "idris2-packages" >>= lookup "c"
| _ => []
JObject [("t", JString "MetaInlines"), ("c", JArray [JObject [("t", JString "Str"), ("c", JString package)]])] <- packages
| _ => []
pure package

data DisplayType = Block | Inline

data CodeType = Decls | Expr String

record Snippet where
constructor MkSnippet
code : String
displayType : DisplayType
codeType : CodeType
hide : Bool
file : String
namespace_ : String

parseSnippet : JSON -> Maybe Snippet
parseSnippet (JObject [
("t", JString t),
("c", JArray [JArray [_, JArray (JString "idr" :: clss), JArray attrs], JString code])
]) = do
displayType <- case t of
"CodeBlock" => pure Block
"Code" => pure Inline
_ => Nothing

let codeType = do
let exprType = findAttr "type" "?" attrs
if elem (JString "decls") clss || elem (JString "decl") clss
then Decls
else if elem (JString "expr") clss || exprType /= "?"
then Expr exprType
else case displayType of
Block => Decls
Inline => Expr exprType

pure $ MkSnippet
(elem (JString "hide") clss)
(findAttr "file" "Main" attrs)
(findAttr "namespace" "" attrs)
parseSnippet json = Nothing

traverseSnippets : Monad m => (Snippet -> m JSON) -> JSON -> m JSON
traverseSnippets f json = traverseJSON (\x => maybe (pure x) f (parseSnippet x)) json

traverseSnippets_ : Monad m => (Snippet -> m ()) -> JSON -> m ()
traverseSnippets_ f json = traverseJSON_ (\x => maybe (pure ()) f (parseSnippet x)) json

collateCode : JSON -> SnocList Snippet
collateCode doc = execState [<] $ traverseSnippets_ (\snippet => modify (:< snippet)) doc

writeCode : (dir : String) ->
(snippets : List Snippet) ->
IO (List (Nat, Nat))
writeCode dir snippets = do
(files, ranges) <- runStateT SortedMap.empty $ traverse (\snippet => do
let fileName = "\{dir}/\{snippet.file}.idr"

let indentDepth = 0

indentDepth <- if snippet.namespace_ /= ""
then do
ignore $ writeBlock fileName indentDepth "namespace \{snippet.namespace_}"
pure $ 1 + indentDepth
else pure indentDepth

indentDepth <- case snippet.codeType of
Decls => pure indentDepth
Expr exprType => do
let varName = "x\{show $ cast {to = Bits32} !(randomIO {a = Int32})}"
ignore $ writeBlock fileName indentDepth "\{varName} : \{exprType}\n\{varName} ="
pure $ 1 + indentDepth

writeBlock fileName indentDepth snippet.code
) snippets
traverse_ (\(file, _) => closeFile file) files
pure ranges
indent : Nat -> List String -> List String
indent indentDepth block = do
let indentPrefix = replicate (4 * indentDepth) ' '
map (\case "" => ""; line => indentPrefix ++ line) block

getFile : String -> StateT (SortedMap String (File, Nat)) IO (File, Nat)
getFile fileName = do
files <- get
let Nothing = lookup fileName files
| Just file => pure file

Right file <- openFile fileName WriteTruncate
| Left fileError => die "Error writing Idris code to file: \{show fileError}"

modify $ insert fileName (file, 1)
pure (file, 1)

writeBlock : (fileName : String) ->
(indentDepth : Nat) ->
(block : String) ->
StateT (SortedMap String (File, Nat)) IO (Nat, Nat)
writeBlock fileName indentDepth block = do
let ls = indent indentDepth $ lines block
let lineCount = length ls
(file, start) <- getFile fileName

-- Round trip of `unlines . lines` not identiy
-- This might introduce a new trailing newline
-- Trailing newline important for consistency of line counting
Right () <- fPutStrLn file $ unlines ls
| Left fileError => die "Error writing Idris code to file: \{show fileError}"

modify $ updateExisting (mapSnd (1 + lineCount +)) fileName
pure (start, minus lineCount 1)

checkCode : (dir : String) ->
(packages : List String) ->
(snippets : List Snippet) ->
IO ()
checkCode dir packages snippets = do
let fileNames = SortedSet.fromList $ map file snippets
for_ fileNames $ \fileName => do
(_, 0) <- run $ ["idris2", "-c", "\{dir}/\{fileName}.idr"] ++ (packages >>= (\package => ["-p", package]))
| (msg, err) => die $ "Error checking Idris code (exit code: \{show err})\n" ++ msg
pure ()

addKatlaHeader : JSON -> IO JSON
addKatlaHeader doc = do
(katlaHeader, 0) <- run "katla latex preamble"
| (_, err) => die "Error getting Katla header (exit code: \{show err})"

let pandocKatlaHeader = JObject [
("t", JString "MetaBlocks"),
("c", JArray [JObject [
("t", JString "RawBlock"),
("c", JArray [JString "tex", JString katlaHeader])

pure $ update (Just . update (Just . update (Just . (\case
JArray xs => JArray $ pandocKatlaHeader :: xs
json => json) .
maybe (JArray []) id) "c" .
maybe (JObject [("t", JString "MetaList")]) id) "header-includes" .
maybe (JObject []) id) "meta" doc

formatSnippet : (dir : String) -> Snippet -> (start : Nat) -> (len : Nat) -> IO JSON
formatSnippet dir snippet start len = do
let False = snippet.hide
| True => pure $ JObject [("t", JString "Para"), ("c", JArray [])]

let katlaCmd = case snippet.displayType of
Block => "katla latex macro KatlaSnippet \{dir}/\{snippet.file}.idr build/ttc/*/\{dir}/\{snippet.file}.ttm \{show start} 0 \{show len}"
Inline => "katla latex macro inline KatlaSnippet \{dir}/\{snippet.file}.idr build/ttc/*/\{dir}/\{snippet.file}.ttm \{show start} 0 \{show $ 1 + len} \{show $ 8 + length snippet.code}"
(out, 0) <- run katlaCmd
| (_, err) => die "Error running Katla (exit code: \{show err})"

let out = if snippet.namespace_ /= "" then dedent out else out
let out = case snippet.codeType of
Decls => out
Expr _ => dedent out

pure $ JObject [
("t", JString $ case snippet.displayType of Block => "RawBlock"; Inline => "RawInline"),
("c", JArray [
JString "tex",
JString $ "\\let\\KatlaSnippet\\relax{}" ++ out ++ "\\KatlaSnippet{}"
katlaIndent : String
katlaIndent = "\\KatlaSpace{}\\KatlaSpace{}\\KatlaSpace{}\\KatlaSpace{}"

katlaIndentLen : Nat
katlaIndentLen = length katlaIndent

dedent : String -> String
dedent block = unlines $
map (\line => if isPrefixOf katlaIndent line
then substr katlaIndentLen (minus (length line) katlaIndentLen) line
else line
) $
lines block

addKatlaSnippets : (dir : String) -> List Snippet -> List (Nat, Nat) -> JSON -> IO JSON
addKatlaSnippets dir snippets ranges json = do
evalStateT ranges $ traverseSnippets (\snippet => do
Just (start, len) <- gets head'
| Nothing => die "katla-pandoc internal error"
modify (\case [] => []; _ :: xs => xs)
lift $ formatSnippet dir snippet start len
) json

main : IO ()
main = do
doc <- getLine
let Just doc = parse doc
| Nothing => pure ()

let snippets = cast $ collateCode doc
let packages = findPackages doc

let dir = "build/katla"
ignore $ createDir "build"
ignore $ createDir dir

ranges <- writeCode dir snippets
checkCode dir packages snippets
doc <- addKatlaHeader doc
doc <- addKatlaSnippets dir snippets ranges doc

printLn doc
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions tests/Main.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ tests = MkTestPool "Examples using Katla" [] Nothing
, "init"
, "markdown"
, "literate"
, "pandoc"

main : IO ()
Expand Down
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions tests/examples/pandoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
title: Writing an Idris2 PDF file with katla-pandoc
- contrib
colorlinks: true # Workaround for conflict between Katla and pandoc default latex template

Using [katla]('s pandoc backend we can produce PDF documents containing semantically highlighted Idris2 code.

The file you are currently reading is the rendered version of a literate markdown/idris2 file. It is called `` and contains fenced `idr` blocks.

# Basic Usage

We can hide uninteresting code blocks by adding the `hide` attribute. We hide an import of `Data.Vect` here. We won't see anything in the output PDF.

```{.idr .hide}
import Data.Vect

We can use all Idris 2 features. Here's an example code block:

x : Nat
x = 1 + 2

We can use namespaces by adding the `namespace` attribute, such as to provide alternate definitions for functions. Consider this function signature:

```{.idr namespace="A"}
f : Vect n a -> Vect (n + n) a

Here's one implementation for `f`{.idr namespace="A" type="Vect 1 Nat -> ?"}:

```{.idr namespace="A"}
f xs = xs ++ xs

By repeating the signature in a different namespace, in a hidden code block, I can give an alternate definition:

```{.idr .hide namespace="B"}
f : Vect n a -> Vect (n + n) a

```{.idr namespace="B"}
f xs = xs ++ reverse xs

# Inline Code

As well as block code, we can have inline code, like `the Nat 3`{.idr}. Here's another: `1 + 2`{.idr}. We can also call the function we previously defined: `f [1, 2, 3]`{.idr namespace="A"}.

By default, a code block is interpreted as top-level Idris 2 declarations, while inline code is interpreted as an expression. But we can switch it up if we wish.

By using the `decls` class, we can write an inline declaration: `g : Nat -> Nat`{.idr .decls}.

By using the `expr` class, we can write a block expression:

```{.idr .expr type="List Nat"}

# Types

Sometimes, Idris 2 cannot infer the type of an expression. Is `[1, 2, 3]`{.idr type="List Nat"} a `List Nat`{.idr}, or a `Vect 3 Integer`{.idr}? We can use the `type` attribute to tell Idris 2 which one it should be.

# Multiple Files

If you need an import to *not* be available, namespaces are not enough. We can use the `file` attribute to put snippets in separate files. For example, the signature of `f`{.idr namespace="A" type="Vect 1 Nat -> ?"} fails to compile if we use a new file, that hasn't imported `Vect`{.idr}.

```{.idr file="Another"}
failing "Undefined name Vect."
f : Vect n a -> Vect (n + n) a

# Packages

We can add Idris 2 packages to the YAML metadata of the Markdown file, using the `idris2-packages` key. For example, adding `contrib` allows us to use the `Language.JSON` module.

```{.idr file="Package"}
import Language.JSON
x : Maybe JSON
x = parse #"{"x": 1, "y": 2}"#
Empty file added tests/examples/pandoc/expected
Empty file.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/examples/pandoc/run
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
rm -rf temp build

mkdir temp

# Test Katla pandoc
pandoc ./ --filter "$1-pandoc" -o temp/source.tex
pandoc ./ --filter "$1-pandoc" -o temp/source.pdf
diff source-expected.tex temp/source.tex >> output

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