If you like my work and want to support me :
Easy configurable job limits with exports.
- Download and install cron from my repository : https://github.com/i-kulgu/cron
- Download and place the resource in your resources folder
- Run the joblimit.sql file in your database. This will add a column in your 'players' table named earnings
- Use the following exports on the client or server side scripts:
Do a check if the user can earn the money thats going to be added to account. Returns a boolean (true / false)
-- client side
-- server side
exports['ik-joblimit']:ControlEarning(source, money)
Add the money to the users total earnings. Returns a boolean (true / false)
-- client side
-- server side
exports['ik-joblimit']:AddJobMoney(source, money)
When selling from qb-pawnshop you can do a check if the user can earn that money and if it passes add the money
RegisterNetEvent('qb-pawnshop:server:sellPawnItems', function(itemName, itemAmount, itemPrice)
local src = source
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
local totalPrice = (tonumber(itemAmount) * itemPrice)
local jobearning = exports['ik-joblimit']:ControlEarning(src, totalPrice) -- Do a check if the user can earn that much money
if not jobearning then return end -- Break the selling if the player is not allowed to earn that much
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(src))
local dist
for _, value in pairs(Config.PawnLocation) do
dist = #(playerCoords - value.coords)
if #(playerCoords - value.coords) < 2 then
dist = #(playerCoords - value.coords)
if dist > 5 then exploitBan(src, 'sellPawnItems Exploiting') return end
if Player.Functions.RemoveItem(itemName, tonumber(itemAmount)) then
if Config.BankMoney then
Player.Functions.AddMoney('bank', totalPrice)
exports['ik-joblimit']:AddJobMoney(src, totalPrice) -- Add the money amount to total earnings after giving out money
Player.Functions.AddMoney('cash', totalPrice)
exports['ik-joblimit']:AddJobMoney(src, totalPrice) -- Add the money amount to total earnings after giving out money
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('success.sold', { value = tonumber(itemAmount), value2 = QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName].label, value3 = totalPrice }),'success')
TriggerClientEvent('inventory:client:ItemBox', src, QBCore.Shared.Items[itemName], 'remove')
TriggerClientEvent('QBCore:Notify', src, Lang:t('error.no_items'), 'error')
TriggerClientEvent('qb-pawnshop:client:openMenu', src)