Welcome to the Leet Code Solutions repository! This collection features optimized solutions to a variety of LeetCode problems. The goal of this repository is to help fellow developers and coding enthusiasts understand problem-solving approaches, improve their coding skills, and explore different algorithms and data structures.
The solutions are organized into folders based on problem categories:
- Arrays & Strings: Efficient solutions to problems involving arrays, strings, and basic data manipulation.
- Linked Lists: Implementations and manipulations of singly and doubly linked lists, merging, reversing, and more.
- Trees & Graphs: Solutions for tree traversals, graph algorithms, and advanced data structures.
- Dynamic Programming: Problems that use memoization and principles of optimal substructure.
- Sorting & Searching: Algorithms for sorting and efficient search techniques.
- Math & Bit Manipulation: Mathematical problem-solving and operations using bitwise logic.
- Others: Problems that don’t fit into the above categories.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/howyoucode/Leet-Code-Solutions.git