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RawgApi gem is a ruby wrapper for the REST API.

It exposes every endpoint through the RawgApi::Clients interface that returns raw responses from the API.

Moreover it provides a RawgApi::Entities interface that will return serialized data for every endpoint using the Hashie gem


Ruby required: >= 2.5.0

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rawg_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rawg_api


You can configure your default settings using

RawgApi.configure do |config|
  # No need to change the endpoint, this option was provided
  # to override the endpoint in the future 
  # if there is a need to do so
  config.endpoint = ''

  # This is mandatory and going to be appended
  # to the headers of each request
  config.app_name = 'Your app name' 

  # Any custom headers in JSON format 
  config.headers = {}

  # Default page size for results returned by the API
  config.page_size = 50



You can access any resource on using the RawgApi::Clients interface Most of these clients expose #find and #all methods, with the exception of the RawgApi::Clients::Games which also exposes a #search method.

Responses are wrapped around Success or Failure structures provided by dry-monads In order to fetch the actual values as Hash you will have to call #value! on the response

Using Clients

# General Usage
response = RawgApi::Clients::{CLIENT_NAME}.new.{METHOD} # returns Success/Failure
result = response.value! # returns Hash

# Get all games
response =
result = response.value! 

# Set page and page_size. 
# Returns the second page of the results with a limit of 20 resources per page
# page_size defaults to the page_size you have set on your configuration
response =, page_size: 20)

# Search for a game
response = 'Portal 2')
result = response.value!

# Get game by id
# Get The Witcher 3 details
response =
result = response.value!

# Find with pagination, page:1, page_size:1)

Using Rawg::Api::Clients::Games#search with multiple filters criteria

#search accepts the following arguments

  • page:Integer
  • page_size:Integer
  • title:String
  • exclude_collection:Boolean
  • exclude_parents:Boolean
  • exclude_game_series:Boolean
  • parent_platforms:Array
  • platforms:Array
  • stores:Array
  • developers:Array
  • publishers:Array
  • genres:Array
  • tags:Array
  • creators:Array
  • dates:Array
  • platforms_count:Array
  • order:String
    • Ascending: name, release, added, created, rating
    • Descending: -name, -release, -added, -created, -rating

List of clients and methods

  • RawgApi::Clients::Genres: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Publishers: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Platforms: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Creators: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Developers: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Stores: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Clients::CreatorRoles: #all
  • RawgApi::Clients::Tags: #all
  • RawgApi::Clients::ParentPlatforms: #all
  • RawgApi::Clients::TagDetails: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games: #all, #search
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Achievements: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Twitch: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::SuggestedGames: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Stores: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::DevelopmentTeam: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Series: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Trailers: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::ParentGames: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Additions: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Details: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Youtube: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Screenshots: #find
  • RawgApi::Clients::Games::Reddit: #find

Using Entities

You can also use Entities to receive a serialized response.

All methods declared in the clients can be invoked as class methods on the Entity class and accept the same parameters as their Client counterpart.

# General Usage
response = RawgApi::Entities::{ENTITY_NAME}.{METHOD} # returns Hashie Object
results = response.results

# Returns info regarding the request, such as current page, page size etc...
metadata = response.metadata 

# Get all games
response = RawgApi::Entities::Game::Entity.all
result = response.results 

# Set page and page_size. 
# Returns the second page of the results with a limit of 20 resources per page
# page_size defaults to the page_size you have set on your configuration
response = RawgApi::Entities::Entity.all(page:2, page_size: 20)

# Search for a game
response = 'Portal 2')

# Get game by id
response =  RawgApi::Entities::Game::Entity.find(3328)

# Access value by attribute # => "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

# Find with pagination
RawgApi::Entities::Game::Additions.find(3328, page:1, page_size:1)

RawgApi::Entities::Game::Entity has the ability to delegate methods to other entities

# Get additions through RawgApi::Entities::Game::Entity class

# Returns game additions for The Witcher 3

# Returns tags for The Witcher 3

List of entities and methods

  • RawgApi::Entities::Genres: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::TagDetails: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Developer: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::Creator: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::CreatorRole: #all
  • RawgApi::Entities::Store: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::Platform: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::Publisher: #find,#all
  • RawgApi::Entities::Tag: #all,#find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Achievements: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::YouTube: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Twitch: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::SuggestedGames: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Stores: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::DevelopmentTeam: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Series: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Entity:
    • #find,#all,#search,#find_suggested_games,#find_series,
    • #find_screenshots,#find_stores,#find_reddit,#find_additions,
    • #find_youtube,#find_twitch, #find_achievements
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Details: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Trailers: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::ParentGames: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Additions: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Screenshots: #find
  • RawgApi::Entities::Game::Reddit: #find


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Create an .env file on your root directory and add the following variable



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the RawgApi project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


A ruby API client for



Code of conduct





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