Attention: Alpha testers, please read this guide.
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The DigiPol Voting App (temporary name for now) will allow Australian Voters to be able to vote on current issues and bills within the political landscape.
- Bills will be the legislation proposals put forth in Parliament, worded as is.
- Issues will be generated according to public interest and contemporary topics as they arise.
It will collate voting results and show users the results of their electorates voting on bills. It will allow them to send an automatically generated email to their elected representative, as well as post the results out onto various social media.
The app frontend is built with Flutter using the Dart Programming Language. This repo will focus entirely on this part of the project.
- The app backend is built using multiple serverless lambdas to interact with mongodb and other external services. (NOTE: This repo will only cover the UI Architecture, for information on the backend head over to Voting-app-api
- Databases and API are managed on AWS using lambda functions Data for Bills are mirrored from the federal and state parliament websites using the ausbills python package
- The app will utilise the Ethereum blockchain to validate votes.
- Issues are manually entered into the database for now
This section assumes you have basic understanding of Flutter. If you are new to Flutter see the bottom of the repo for resources.
The app uses a Provider Architecture for state management. It is structured so data flows to only the views that need it. The apps structure was inspired by this Filledstacks guide. If you are new to flutter and plan on contributing we highly recommend you check out this tutorial.
The idea behind the directory architecture is to abstract the logic away from the UI. This allows for more maintainable code and extensibility. Simply as is sounds, any app logic goes into the Core any UI goes into the UI.
High level Architecture Points
- Each view will have it's own model that extends the ChangeNotifier.
- Notify listeners for a view will ONLY BE CALLED when the View's state changes.
- Each view only has 2 states. Idle and Busy. Any other piece of UI contained in a view, that requires logic and state / UI updates will have it's own model associated with it. This way the main view only paints when the main view state changes.
- Providers will NOT be passed in through app level global provider, unless it's required by more than 1 view in the app architecture (Users information).
- Models will ONLY request data from Services and reduce state from that DATA. Nothing else.
All app logic is contained in this directory.
- models - Contains all the plain data models
- services - Contains the dedicated files that will handle actual app logic
- viewmodels - Contains the Provider models for each of the Widget views
- enums - Storing any reusable enums
Any UI element or styling feature is contained here. Avoid using app logic in this folder or any descendant.
- views - Contains any full screen that is used in the app
- widgets - Contains any resuable widgets.
- All issues view - List of issues generated, sortable by date, popularity, controversiality(?)
- All bills view - List of bills sortable by house, date, progress
- Bill page with voting option - Full description/links and voting buttons
- Login Page - email - password
- Results Page - List of horizontal bar graphs - 1 for each electorate
- Verification/Settings Page - AEC details, electorate details, representatives and voting patterns, join Flux button, link Settingss (google/fb/ig)
We are planning on implementing C4
A list of current items and their progress can be found here. If you feel comfortable diving straight in, just fork the repo, and open it up in Android Studio.
We use Effective Dart to guide our coding style, so make sure you make yourself familiar. Make the contributions you want to and create a Pull Request.
For collaborating, best practice is to join our Discord Community at / FluxParty and let us know where you're interested in helping out. That way we can make sure you are up to date with all the relevant information and put you in contact with others working on the project!
If you are new to Flutter here are a few resources to get you started on your first Flutter project:
- Lab: Write your first Flutter app
- Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples
- online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install curl
Get flutter (copy in all lines):
WARNING: you must use a version of flutter >= 1.16.2, the easiest way to do this is use the beta
channel; builds will fail if you're using stable
git clone -b beta && \
echo '#Add Flutter to PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:'$(pwd)'/flutter/bin"' >> $HOME/.bashrc && \
export PATH="$PATH:'$(pwd)'/flutter/bin && \
echo "Check the flutter is in path" && \
echo $PATH && \
flutter precache && \
echo "Check your dependencies:" && \
flutter doctor
Download and install Android Studio and install the Flutter plugin:
Run flutter doctor
again to check dependencies.
flutter config --enable-web
(If you're not already on the beta channel run flutter channel beta && flutter upgrade
Make sure you have Chrome installed
BUG NOTICE: You may need to edit a file in the flushbar Dart Package if you get this error:
See This Issue to make the fix. This is because we are using the master branch of flutter soe we can do web dev.
flutter devices
And Run flutter run -d chrome
in the project dir.
- Graphs (Public Voice)
- Commenting on Bills
- Weekly Reports
- Politi Compass - Personalised Voting History
- Create Issues UI
- User Settingss
- Settings - Notifications, Emails
- sorting bills - Date, title, chamber
- Search bar
- results map
- GitHub --(webhook)--> GitLab CE (cicd project)
- mirror clone
- push to gitlab repo
- GitLab CE (main project) -- cicd triggers normally
- runs .gitlab-ci.yaml pipelines
- reports status back to github
- multiple runners based on tags to deliniate signing / permissions / branch-filters / etc.
- Avoid multiline scripts in gitlab-ci.yml; use named scripts under
instead. - coverage is gathered in gitlab but I'm not sure where to find the reports :/, anyway getting covg feedback in PRs would be really nice
- currently this runs for every push which is not ideal; would be nice to just to PRs
- the problem with that is the mirroring situation with gitlab and detecting when PRs are being run vs normal pushes -- gitlab webhook URLs might be able to help us here (combined with event filters on the github side for outgoing webhooks)
Note: substantial criticism and improvements very welcome
The codesigning setup is roughly:
- a gitlab runner instance running under user
- a
user with xcode set up and things - very restricted
sudo -u codesign
access for runner
- unlocking the keychain seems to be problematic
- needed to add -allowProvisioningUpdates to last line of do-flux-codesign
- provisioning profiles are not intuitive, well documented, etc
- voter sign up / validation process
- voter roll management
- integrations w/ member stuff
- email / notification things
- comments / discussion / submission features
- etc
The flowchart was generated with mermaid.js
See: and
Live editor:
current source code:
graph TB
subgraph External Internet
PH(APH or WAPH website)
subgraph Queue
BillQ(New Bill Queue)
subgraph "User's Env (App)"
App(App/Main UI component)
KeyStore(Key Store component)
UserNode(Optional user-run full node)
UserAuditor(Optional user-run auditor)
subgraph Bill Tracking Environment
BillTracker(Bill Tracking Service)
BillDB("Bill Database<br/>(results can be in different DB)")
BillApi(Bill info API)
ResultsCacheApi(Results Cache API)
AuditJob("Auditor, scheduled (Purescript/JS)")
subgraph Blockchain Env
BillToBallot(Bill to Ballot handler)
PrivChain(Custom Eth Instance)
BallotArchive(Ballot Archive)
PH -->|scraped| BillTracker
BillTracker -->|push to Q| BillQ
BillTracker -.-|stores state| BillDB
BillDB -.->|info served| BillApi
AuditJob -.->|store results on<br/>issue close| BillDB
BillDB -.->|serve results| ResultsCacheApi
BillQ -->|retrived by| BillToBallot
BillToBallot -->|creates issue on chain| PrivChain
BillToBallot -->|pushes ballotspec| BallotArchive
BillApi -->|General info,<br/>ammendments, etc| App
ResultsCacheApi -->|Cached results served| App
App -.-|Signing votes| KeyStore
App -->|Push signed votes| PrivChain
App -.->|Alt: push signed votes| UserNode
BallotArchive -->|"Full ballot details<br/>(BallotSpec)"| App
PrivChain -->|Democracy inst. and<br/>issue index data| App
BallotArchive -->|BallotSpec| AuditJob
UserNode -.-|sync| PrivChain
UserNode -->|raw votes| UserAuditor