Releases: guilds-plugin/Guilds
Skull Fixes & More
- New API events triggered when a player joins a war.
- Placeholder to check if a player has admin spy mode enabled.
- Members online count placeholder to the guild list GUI.
- Issue where other plugins couldn't access some war events via the API.
- Issue with hotbar switching while in a guild vault.
- Longstanding issue with the /guild list GUI failing to open due to invalid textures across versions. It now falls back to the default texture set in the plugin's config.
- Issue where some admin commands were not executable by console.
1.19.4 + The Developer Update + Cache Overhaul
Hey all, this update primarily focuses on the developer experience for those that have addons that hook into Guilds. I've spent the last week updating and implementing 1000s of new lines of Javadocs for the plugin. I've also published the Javadocs to an updated site:
The goal behind this was to give a better quality of life setup for developers working with the plugin so they had a better idea of what all was going on with the code.
This update features a decently sized cache overhaul in the backend and you should see much better performance.
Originally tested with around 150 players online, and 10,000 guilds, the previous update was using up to 9.67% of a tick and now we have no seen more than 0.03% of a tick, a 99.69% improvement overall.
- Added support for 1.19.4
- Added a new placeholder in essentials chat hook for guild tier
- Major cache overhaul for better performance
Bug Fixes
- Modified a broad range of classes that touch InputStreams to ensure that the resources are being closed properly to help protect against issues such as memory leaks
- Fixed a bug where some command suggestions would suggest players in vanish
Syntax Translations Hotfix
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where the syntax translation options were not showing up in the non-default language file
Syntax Translations! Experimental Features! Bug Fixes!
- Implemented the ability to create translations for syntaxes used in commands (all of these are found in the lang files) : msg, name, player, amount, guild, new-name, motd, prefix, vault-number, arena, position, code, uses, language, new-backend
- Added support for 1.19.3
- Added a configuration option to enable Unicode / UTF-8 support for the SQL backends
- Implemented a new section for experimental features. Please read the description them first and MAKE A BACKUP FIRST before enabling them. The first experimental feature implemented is using member skull textures in the guild members gui
Bug Fixes
- Fixed /guild arena list not properly mapping the names to display to the end user
- Fixed a couple situations where a player would not be removed from the guil/ally chat
- Fixed a couple situations where interacting with bank balance could allow for very long decimal amounts
- Fixed some inconsistencies with claims in terms of their Y level on specific versions of Minecraft
- Fixed a locale issue for the rounding of decimals and guild bank balance based on where the server was hosted
- Fixed the Win/Loss Ratio placeholders throwing errors in certain situations. For guilds to be counted as valid here, they must have at least one win and one loss
- The config setting "settings.syntax-name" has been migrated to the translation files to follow the new translation syntaxes
- Removed the "carry-over" option from tiers as it caused some confusion on how it actually functioned
Arena Improvements + Role Perm Bug Fix Galore
This update focuses on a bunch of oversights that occurred when various features were implemented and role perms were forgotten, as well as a couple of new additions to the arenas.
- New config setting for toggling if a player should keep their inventory when they die in the arena
- New config setting for toggling if a player should keep their xp when they die in the arena
- New config setting for toggling if the inventory contents should drop on the floor when a player dies in the arena
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed /guild admin addplayer not adding guild / role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild admin removeplayer not removing guild / role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild create not applying role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild kick not removing role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild accept not applying role perms to a player
- Fixed /guild leave not removing role perms from a player
- Fixed /guild leave (as guild master) not removing role perms from all players when the guild is disbanded
- Fixed /guild delete not removing role perms from all players before deletion.
- Fixed role perms not being swapped between two members when /guild transfer or /guild admin transfer was executed
- Fixed role perms not being removed when an admin deletes a guild
Leaderboard Placeholders + Bug Fixes
- Added support for 1.19.2
- Leaderboard arena placeholders are here:
Placeholders | Description |
%guilds_top_wins_name_#% | Name of guild with wins in # place |
%guilds_top_wins_amount_#% | Amount of wins the guild has in # place |
%guilds_top_losses_name_1% | Name of guild with losses in # place |
%guilds_top_losses_amount_#% | Amount of losses the guild has in # place |
%guilds_top_wlr_name_#% | Name of guild with win/loss ratio in # place |
%guilds_top_wlr_amount_#% | The win/loss ratio of the guild in # place |
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the priority that chat listeners were running on to allow other plugins to make modifications to them
1.19 Support + Bug Fixes
- Added support for Minecraft 1.19
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on some versions of MC where clashing Adventure imports were happening
- Fixed getting the min world height on some versions of MC
- Fixed invalid lang key accessing for arena location issues
- Fixed a missing placeholder in the guild admin remove message telling the player what guild they were removed from
- Don't depend on MVdWPlaceholderAPI anymore since it hasn't been used in awhile
- Libraries in 1.19 have changed. I have decided to drop Apache Commons Lang 3 (this was really only used in the update checker, item builder, and guild code generation. Please let me know if you notice any problems)
- Changed up some of the permissions for damage (please let me know if you experience any problems):
- Allies:
- Guilds: guilds.ffa.guild
- I need some people to volunteer testing on a new PR coming that will allow you to use a player's skull in the Guild Members GUI instead of a static item. If you are interested, please let me know.
1.18 | API Additions | Events | Bug Fixes
- Added support for 1.18.x
Bug Fixes
- Redesigned how guild roles interact with claims. The plugin will now properly check for the block-place / block-break flag and let that override the guild role permissions instead of the other way around
- Fixed an issue in 1.18 where guild claims would not go below y level 0
- Fixed a nagging error in console with announcements on newer versions of the game
- Implemented a long overdue method to get a guild by the uuid of a player
- Implemented a helper method to get a guild member by their uuid
- Implemented a new GuildSetHomeEvent
- Updated Slimjar to a personal release to fix some issues with libraries
- Removed the requirement for a player to be the 2nd highest role to have a guild transferred to them; any player in the guild can now have the guild transferred to them
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug loading old challenges when using MySQL backend
- Fixed a bug where the admin upgrade command and guild tickets were not respecting perm changes
- Fixed a bug where a user would not be able to challenge another guild if their previous war ended with no user from each guild joining the war
- Fixed a bug where the guild role node for a player was not properly being applied
- Updated SlimJar dependency to fix some relocation NPEs being thrown
- Overhauled the Role + Tier permission system handling backend (please let me know if you experience any problems)
- Updated the library handle to a new version that is the result from a discussion with the library developer. There was an issue where it was checking the client locale of all players online every second without a cache. This started showing up on the main thread. It now checks less often and has a cache so it's not as intensive.
- The enum value for the team / ally chat can now be translated
- Updated XSeries to 3.4.0
- Updated Kotlin to 1.5.30