Makes a CD Key which looks like XXX-XXXXXXX.
The first segment is the site number. It can be from 000 to 998. Some numbers like 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999 aren't allowed
The sum of second segment must be divisible by seven, and the last digit cannot be 0 or >= 8
The most basic valid key is 000-0000007
Makes a OEM Key which looks like XXXXX-OEM-XXXXXXX-XXXXX.
The first segment is the random three digits and date. The first three digits can be anything from 001 to 366, and the last two are the year, anything from 95 to 03
The second segment has first 0 digit at start. The next digits can be generated to identical CD keys.
The third segment has fully random digits.
The most basic valid key is 00100-OEM-0000007-00000
Makes a 11-digit CD Key which looks like XXXX-XXXXXXX.
The first segment is the site number. It can be from 0001 to 9991. The last digit much be 3rd digit + 1 or 2. When the result is > 9, it overflows to 0 or 1.
The sum of second segment must be divisible by seven, and the last digit cannot be 0 or >= 8 (identical CD Keys)
The most basic valid key is 0001-0000007
python -c
to generate CD keyUse
python -o
to generate OEM keyUse
python -e
to generate 11-digit CD keyUse
python -c -o -e
to generate CD, OEM and 11-digit CD key together -
will be created. Open it to get keys
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95 Key Generator by @nilaerdna
Examining the Microsoft mod7 product key algorithm by @dgurney
Leaked Windows NT 4 source code
*this code was made only for educational purposes. Use it at your own risk