Implementation of shared pointer. Illustrates key aspects of shared_ptr functionality.
The following key features of shared_ptr are implemented;
- reference counting
- memory cleanup
- type erasure
- deleters.
Note: these items are deliberately not included.
- bad_alloc isn't caught and thrown in the appropriate ctors, this is deliberate (readability of code).
- #include <cxxabi.h> is commented out in headers , it was used for debugging to determine the type of U and T for base/derived tests
- the move constructors aren't in there but could trivially be added
- weak_ptr and lock().
% cmake .
% make
There are zero errors and warnings (the build on linux is set to use -Wall , -Wextra and Wpedantic. The build disables all optimizations and enables debug code generation.
Running the tests;
% ./bin/shared_ptr_test
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp{new base()};
TEST - graham::shared_ptr dp{new derived()};
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp (new base());
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp2 (new derived(), delit);
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp2 (new derived(), [] (base* b){ delete b;});
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp2 (new derived(), [] (derived* d){ delete d;});
TEST - graham::shared_ptr bp2 (new derived()); (no reset)
TEST - get deleter, expect null
TEST - get_deleter, expect non null
TEST - alias ctor
TEST - multiple bp and assignment
TEST - equality
TEST - nullptr
TEST - equality (empty)
TEST - equality base/derived
TEST - invocation
TEST - operator!
TEST - multiple instances & assignment
TEST - multiple instances & multiple assignment
TEST - multiple base and multiple derived
TEST - swap and get value 0
TEST - get base value
TEST - multiple reset
TEST - unique() true
TEST - unique() false
TEST - operator bool() true
TEST - operator bool() false
TEST - operator<<
use_count: 1, shared_ptr<T=, U=> , _ptr=0x4dd4d80
valgrind can be used to confirm that there are indeed no memory leaks and the shared_ptr implementation cleans up as intended.
% valgrind --leak-check=full ./bin/shared_ptr_test
==3879== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3879== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3879== total heap usage: 75 allocs, 75 frees, 76,180 bytes allocated
==3879== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==3879== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==3879== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)